Ugh. I guess time start thinking of either birfurcating mdm or finding a uem that doesn’t cost an absolute fuck ton
Ugh. I guess time start thinking of either birfurcating mdm or finding a uem that doesn’t cost an absolute fuck ton
Uhh what does this mean for workspace one?
What are you using now if you don’t mind me asking. Had a Roku and moved to this for the quality of sound and video
That’s a good point. I didn’t notice but have a ton of ads now from Disney etc…I’ll try flauncher
Would a pihole or something like adguars dns that stops ads be a good solution to this? Or would I be stuck with just full screen black screen?
They should mention all these billionaires since they’re so convinced. Fucking idiots
What about the other questions?
Maybe? It could be numerous things. Are you using containers? Did an update or upgrade fail? Did you install and or patch something? Anything in sys logs giving off ERR or WARN? What’s your system and distro? What was the last few things you did before this popped?
Thanks after reading this sober it makes sense.
I get that but how’s that a monopoly? They own the market share cause of the product and performance of said product. They aren’t buying companies to boost their share, they failed the arm deal, and from what I’ve read aren’t keeping companies tied to their product. Chatgpt, Microsoft and others can use other hardware. When we look at other monopoly cases it’s due to a forced take over if the market like Microsoft or the current Amazon case. I’m not defending Nvidia outright, but I’m not seeing how a company who produces a better product is at fault of a monopoly.
iOS has almost 60% market share, are they a monopoly cause people choose them as well?
So where’s the monopoly? They make a better product and the arm deal isn’t sealed
This is weird. I’m all for anti-monopoly policies and court action, but this doesn’t make sense. Did Nvidia buy out smaller graphic companies? I may be ignorant but the only ones I know is AMD and ATI who merged, and now intel is making their own. I guess I don’t see how Nvidia is a monopoly
E: I made this comment and the rest in the chain after a night of drinking high octane beers for my birthday. I’m an idiot
The videos of people breaking them, riding them, humping them, stealing food out of them, is so fucking on point about how some of our behavior. Why would any company trust that these things would not get fucked with?
No matter the fine, they’ll pay it and move on.
Old ERP is Microsoft dynamics isn’t it?
The one who got paid. No way this isn’t some type of shill, any somewhat literate tech person knows Google has monopolized and now with WEI they need to be knocked down. I worked on the GCP team for 5 years before leaving and I’ll never stop being anti-google
Sorry CompTIa is fucking garbage. In all my years at faangs, startups, Silicon Valley ycombinators, mid west tech, have I ever hired or worked with someone who has comptia certs.
Is it a good start to level 1 help desk at a hospital? Maybe. But I feel like it’s a fucking scheme where the time to learn any language instead would make you leagues better. Or study and get Cisco certs instead for neteng.
I’ll add it’s not that I chose not to hire CompTIa cert people. But I think in my 15 years I have never seen one come across the desk. The only time I saw it on a resume was level 1 help desk at a shop that thought Windows ME was the best release at the time and should be used in all rural hospitals and it was 2006 and anything beyond it was full of bloatware.
His company went bankrupt. Fuck you Arco
Why? Guy Fieri is a great dude. During the big fires in Cali he was there cooking for them without camera crews, officiated weddings for trans/lgbtq. Donates a ton of money and time.
I tried to build an actual CPE team so we didn’t have to rely on sass shit but God the investment for in home code and shit is multimillion. So now we are stuck with these ducking companies