links to 11 year old thread for tangentially related Windows Vista problem, locks current thread
not the country or the triangle :)
links to 11 year old thread for tangentially related Windows Vista problem, locks current thread
I just don’t see that.
If somebody doesn’t have an idea of what they’re talking about (allegedly) then it would be far more productive to explain it than to keep arguing about it without actually solving anything.
Plenty of developers also use GitHub for software distribution for end users, so that’s where the problems lie. I’m not saying GitHub should change their UI to match something the site wasn’t made for, but it’s still an issue for people who choose to use it that way.
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Thanks for the correction about ethanol, I’m not big into alcohol so I didn’t know what to write lol
Leaded gasoline has a really crazy story. People have known that lead is highly toxic since the mid 1800s, and when tetraethyl lead was invented by Thomas midgley Jr in the 1910s, pretty much everybody at GM knew how toxic it was. Dozens of workers died from exposure, and Thomas himself was sick with lead poisoning when it was unveiled to the public. GM even went as far as naming it “ethyl” to avoid public backlash.
The reason it wasn’t banned until the 90s was because health officials in the 20s thought that exposure to drivers was so low that it wouldn’t reach toxic levels until decades down the line. Like, the 1970s. This wasn’t reviewed until the mid 70s and by that point the consequences were disastrous.There were some studies between the 20s and 70s, but most didn’t gain much traction. Many adults and children had increased levels of lead in their blood and lead has contaminated the groundwater and polluted the air. For instance, there is NO safe level of lead in blood, and Herbert needleman in the early 70s found some American schoolchildren had as much as 14 micrograms per deciliter This is the reason it wasn’t banned until the 90s in most countries. One could say we’re still recovering from that in some ways.
And the worst part? They could have used ethanol, an organic substance that’s a major additive in alcoholic beverages. It also prevents engine knocking and is highly flammable, but otherwise not even close to as toxic as TEL was. You still woudlnt want to breathe it in, but it probably wouldn’t have polluted our air and ground so much. GM refused to use ethanol though because it couldn’t be patented (being naturally produced?) and it wouldn’t be very profitable to use it to prevent knocking. TEL was far more profitable.
This my advice too. Just make a burner and chat through there.
If there weren’t a housing crisis then I’d say fuck em, but it’s hard enough finding roommates as is.
Is your father Hank Hill???
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Orwellian is when company does thing I don’t like
I remember playing it right when it came out and enjoying it, especially with the titanfall movement. I assume it’s changed for the worse?
Nor do they know about science communication apparently
Gattaca is a good movie about that
Could not have made a worse typo
I don’t think they’re suggesting wikipedia currently is “best researched and sourced,” just that a federated alternative wouldn’t automatically solve that issue.