Also the country that still predominantly runs on coal for its power grid… one would think they have bigger fish to fry. EVs are a net positive after about 40’000km compared to ICE Cars. (Even faster depending on the source of charging)
Also the country that still predominantly runs on coal for its power grid… one would think they have bigger fish to fry. EVs are a net positive after about 40’000km compared to ICE Cars. (Even faster depending on the source of charging)
The bigger issue is that the US still alows Blinkers to be the same color as break lights. Just weird to me.
And the 1 century death cult is better in what way exactly? Just wanna remind you that those modesty rules where prevalent in Christianity as well as. Maybe not always to the same degree but the church had very interesting thoughts about woman wearing pants or showing their ankles.
If you are religious, no matter the denomination, you‘d better not be poking fun at other religions for their quirks. Yours is just as silly and baseless as the others.
Also, not all muslims follow those strict rules just as very few christians would still shun you for eating shrimp or living with someone before marriage.
I guess he means a drop of spot? Not a parking space but a space where you can drive to and let people hop out of your car, saying bye with a kiss?
Ahmmm… aren’t ther inspections? They’d fry your ass allive over here if they see that you haven’t changed your filters in 2 years…
This public „thanks for your service“ thing is so weird to me… Here in Switzerland you have actual soldiers sitting next to imyou in the trains at the beginning and end kf the week. Most of them haven’t joined voluntarily and even the ones who did, no one would ever think about thanking them for thei service. It’s a job like any other, or a mandate for most. Same for surrounding countries who don’t have mandatory military duties.
I find it particularly weird in the US where the most common reason for someone to join the military is to pay of debt or because they pay for your education. My responds to that would be “Stop thanking me and maybe vote for people who wanna change the system so I don’t have to put my life at risk to be able to study.”
Not much up to date with UK politics but striking Doctors sounds a bit irresponsible. I totaly get the need for fair compensation and they should totally get that, no question, but is it a good idea to strike in the health industry? There have to be better options, no? Or maybe I‘m just uninformed but this sounds like it’s puting peoples health at risk, which feels wrong to me.
Not sure how much tome it takes you to type 3 paragraphs but 3 Minutes seem quite reasonable if your engadged in something… And as a non native speaker, I thought my flawed English certainly wouldn’t pass as an AI (maybe a shitty one though)
That’s actually what I meant… I‘m certainly aware how large steam is…
I use steam very irregularly and only for a couple small games. Is this something a lot of people do? Never occurred to me.
What’s it do? Test your DNA to make sure you only use the “correct” bathroom?
For AirTags, those notifications should only start if:
For Teachers this shouldn’t be an issue unless their students have tecb challenged parent. AirTags arent meant for tracking kids. If it’s their AirTag, they are with them and the alarm won’t trigger. If they have a shared AirTag (possible since iOS 17) they are with theyr own AirTag and the alarm won’t trigger. If they got one that is ONLY registered to their parents, then it will trigger the Anti Stalking feature and those parents should be educated on their problematic use of an AirTag.
Those kids should have an Apple Watch, all the tracking options for parents, none of the hassle of stalking alerts. Or they now just use a shared AirTag which they would then also need to have an Apple ID enabled device with them. So the watch is usually the more afordable and versatile option.