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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I think there’s a little room for nuance, but not much. The way corporate landlords are buying up houses and collaborating to fix prices is totally fucked and needs regulated. There also needs to be regulation or limits for private property owners who buy up a bunch of properties and slumlord it.

    Where I think there’s nuance is how things fall right now. I just left the military and I’m renting out my house exclusively to military occupants who are not trying to buy. I bought it at 3% interest and my mortgage is more or less fixed. The next buyer was looking for it as an addition to their rental portfolio. I did the math before deciding to rent and found that because my interest and mortgage are so low I can charge $800/month less in rent than a mortgage would be if I sold it. It’s also less than their housing allowance so they have more for utilities and food.

    It’s regrettable that this is the situation, but in this specific case in a very high demand/low supply area, renting it out is the lesser of the evils. Hopefully the market crashes or rates fall and I can sell it to a family who needs it. But until then, I’ll try to make things easier on some service members.

  • If I recall correctly, this would be an illegal order in violation of the Title 10 authorities which govern DoD activities if it took place within the borders of the country. I’m not a federal lawyer so I don’t know the details, but I believe it prohibits the armed forces operating under Title 10 from performing operations on U.S. soil. Title 18 however governs agencies like the FBI and allows operations within U.S. borders but prohibits foreign operations.

    This is all a vague memory from an old lesson, but at first glance the attorney’s argument is utter crap. It boils down to “no act of the president can be considered in violation of any law.” Not a comforting sentiment, and a dangerous precedent.