I’d rather have him redistribute his fortunes to the relatives of victims. Making prisoners pay for their stay feels reaaaaally icky to me.
I’d rather have him redistribute his fortunes to the relatives of victims. Making prisoners pay for their stay feels reaaaaally icky to me.
It was necessary, because he was not going to see punishment otherwise.
In a just society, he’d be in jail forever. Once again, Fuck the Capital Punishment, even in extreme Cases.
Fuck capital punishment.
I mean it was murder. Premeditated, planned etc.
But he murdered the right person :)
Okay. Go to the nytimes website. Search for Israel. And then look at the language used for Israeli Actions compared to Hamas Actions.
“Conducts military strike” vs. “Fires rockets” “X palestinians left dead” vs. “Israelis killed”
And then go to Fox news or any of the more conservative newsites. Look at german news outlets. “The incarnation of evil” is a treatment reserved for Russia and Hamas in these circles, Israel is more like a morally wonky friend, who is still supported.
The further you go back, the less the actual negative press about Israel, despite the nature of the conflict from the beginning.
No one said they were
Holy Shit Dude.
When extermination methods were tested to relieve the Einsatzgruppen which had up to that point in the war been shooting people close up, by hand, gas vans were used. As tests. Until Zyklon B was introduced.
I don’t know what you’re on, but it is a historic fact that before the gas chambers were used, gas vans were a method of murder.
And yet, they still did it
Hooray, we are back to killing people for economic reasons!