Fastmail supports aliases as well. I’m not sure how they are from a privacy side overall tho
Fastmail supports aliases as well. I’m not sure how they are from a privacy side overall tho
Fastmail also offers this.
Curious to know how many others do as well.
Uhh what? There’s no American tax website to login into to “verify” things were handled right. One still has to do a decent amount of work copying data into third party for-profit company web forms.
While it’s easy for some to manage, it’s by no means a simple process compared to what some other countries offer
My understanding of how xmpp has progressed is exactly what you think ActivityPub needs. Xmpp is still alive and still continuing to drive for further technological standards and classification.
Google essentially dropped xmpp b/c it was such a slow progressing standard that was focused entirely on the technological progress and that march towards standardization and specification.
I think did this for a long time. I am probably misremembering but gosh whatever service I experienced it with was annoying
Is your intent to refuse to vote in the next election?
Today I learned! Thanks for the info :)
Yep, it’s got both visits recorded. Idk why my ip on mobile networks was geolocated so far away.
Visited on my mobile this morning while commuting and no VPN and it geo located me 1000 miles away.
Visited again connected to a WiFi network and it got me right. Fun stuff
Thanks! I wish I had this info for an old build.
Sidebar: Kind of silly how you and others are tripping over yourselves to include something against win11 while providing tech support. As if you’d be a pariah if you didn’t include some disdain.
“Here’s some win11 troubleshooting advice, not that I’d ever be caught using it! ;)”
Sorry, I’m not the op who suggested originally.
Dungeons and Daddies is available on most podcast streaming services but they have a significant number of hilarious patreon exclusives (some of which are teased on the public platforms).
Dungeons and Daddies
Awesome, thanks for the details. Bummer that your plan changed you really had it worked out :(
How could you keep data use below 1 MiB? That’s a significantly small amount of data in the modern era of anything Internet connected.
Were you mostly on wifi? You said you used your mobile primarily for entertainment, that usually takes data.
I believe you I’m just drawing a blank at how you were using your phone and its data plan!
A password manager doesn’t replace that Amazon is a marketplace with thousands up on thousands of products in one location for users to search through.
The person you are replying to is less thinking about entering passwords and more about “now my personal details are across multiple different services half of which I don’t remember their names”
So you are suggesting that a student looking up information on Wikipedia is the same level of academic dishonesty as someone turning in a paper written by chatgpt?
What the fuck?
I don’t believe the world is as zero sum as you are postulating. I truly don’t believe if ai were to be objectively better at creative pursuits that humans wouldn’t do them.
I think you are removing the agency that people have because you are associating it to economic output. I disagree with that premise and I don’t think that it’s rational to suggest that humans only pursue things because it produces value.
By homepage I was referring to the main screen that Spotify loads into, the default view of all your playlists, recommended lists, etc.
And I expect all the same things you expect for my regular browsing behavior. But on the music discovery and listening platform I don’t get pissy when new music is shown to me, even if it’s unrelated to my tastes.
I expect “ads” for new music on the music listening and discovery platform.
Y’all are making it seem like these are nordvpn ads on your homepage. Fuck off with this disingenuous comparison
Fwiw they’re just collecting a paycheck. Sure it’s scummy for them to not reject the businesses offering them the money but tbh I really don’t blame them - I’d probably take the cash too.
Depending on the channel size sponsored ad reads can deliver upwards of multiple thousand per video for the creator. If you see multiple channels with the same ads, it’s bc the company advertising got a big budget approved, that’s it.
Imo just skip the ad reads (or get sponsorblock) and forget they exist. Usually the creator doesn’t even give a fuck who’s paying them or why. They are victims of the system too, not maliciously peddling garbage. I do wish they didn’t have to peddle anything, but here we are.