Ya, I have to agree with you. Don’t wanna be at the fore front of and war.
I heard that when he would start to talk to Kim he would start singing halfway through the convo. That reminds my of my one friend whose suffering from schizophrenia.
Ikr? Whose still tweeting…
Haha funny thing about that is one of the most right wing ppl I know only talks about his small pecker and how he cream pies his wife.
He also has threatened to assualt me twice because he thought I kissed him in the ear.
I’m not even gay and I have a son.
Idk man. I stay away from those people now.
Cons are the most average people usually. Just mid at everything but are told they are better because look at the riches around them. Ya, they need it. Just like elon needs to be the best gamer. That need to have others under is the most toxic trait.
Ya but I haven’t found it yet, mind sending a link?
I never understood that mentality. Like if I want to know something I google it, I ask. I don’t look in an encyclopedia for 20 Mins just to find out I’m in the wrong book.
I kinda get what you mean. Everytime someone comes over I always offer some cofveve. I never used to but I started after I began watching the sopranos, they always offer a pot. Just because Tony is a murdering thug doesn’t mean he’s impolite to house guests.
… robo chocolate?
I stopped buying consoles after they wanted to charge me to use the internet. That’s not how this works.
The punctuation
It’s not as bad but can be just as psychotic. I got banned from green text because I asked them to provide proof that the general Canadian public didn’t refer to doughnut holes as timbits. I posted sources for my argument, they did not.
Rofl you just lost
Trust me, fish dont need to be robots to be fucked…
Ikr? I saw someone post one of those grandfather didn’t fight for this meme and I can help think that he would shoot the guys hold that flag you hugging