🏳️⚧️ she/they
if you face your palm to the side rather than to the ground it looks less bad
this would be where i would make a joke about americans but i know many people who would probably try to dive into a 4 foot deep pool so it goes both ways
you can then replace your brain with a brain 2™
i don’t remember that episode of sesame street
bet this was some 6 year old and their parents weren’t paying attention
you gotta wait until they release the exact same emulator on the switch with the new switch online expansion pack plus premium ultra 3D bonus pass
i could feel my braincells commit suicide as i read this
its probably there because those leds are dirt cheap and the companies just want as much as possible to advertise about it
hey don’t act like its a bad thing, i was getting tired of my home page being beans and only beans
especially since the closest competitor rn is twitch which is an absolute shithole
this is beautiful but god why did you have to choose yellow text out of every colour. i should show this to my dyslexic friend and see how far he gets
But there’s no sense crying over every mistake
those scientists had better invent a time machine because i am not waiting until 2754
so basically everything they can get from you?
must be, because half of them have the sponsor segment as its own chapter in the video, making it super easy to skip. I don’t imagine they would make it as easy if they really wanted you to watch it.