but, he doesn’t like it, so it’s a scam. it’s not enough just to not buy it, he has to bitch about it and save the world from this evil, malignant company selling extremely customizable Linux laptops with versatile expansion options.
the alternative to gstreamer. both were precursors to pipewire, which aims to meet both use cases.
Always welcome. Sharing the good things is a part of the fun.
this might be ringing in late, but consider a large USB disk with Ventoy on it. you can just drop multiple ISOs on it, and then select which one you want you boot from right at boot time.
this will give you the ability to easily try multiple distros without too much commitment.
that makes sense.
not familiar with the specific app you’re using. am I reading that right, that you’re throttling on power, current and temp?
if so, there’s not much you can do. but if it’s just temp throttling, you can get better fans/cooling.
if you’re already satisfied with fans/cooling, then yes, you’re pretty much using it to it’s max.
to be clear: throttling on power and current means you’re getting as much as you can out of the hardware you have (without over clocking or similar). although, make sure your CPU governor is ‘performance’.
throttling on temperature alone means you’re not getting the most out of you’re hardware that is technically possible, it means you’re hitting the thermal TDP of the system. for some systems (laptops, generally), there’s not much you can do there. but for others, you can tinker with cooling.
I bet if you make it, some people will love it.
it seems much more niche than some other providers, but that’s one of the great things about HA - lots of tinkerers use it, and some are bound to use Proton Drive.
it’s often the people saying “don’t listen to all the drama” that are making drama.
chill out. the guy has relevant concerns, and they matter deeply to him. …and they matter deeply to us, the users of Linux. Rust in the kernel is a good step forward, but processes need to be in place not just for code, but for people who will be dealing with a new language in their formerly-c-only environment.
win hearts and minds, don’t just kick the nest and blame the hornets if they sting you. recognize needs, even of those who are stubborn, and address them.
back it up and put it in. classic.
did it work?
the patience to read lots of documentation.
fair enough. looks like sadness for your transfers. weak usb driver for your chipset, maybe.
done in that order, with the same disk? still might be a heat issue. reverse the order. do linux first, then windows.
although, to avoid the long-unmount issue, disable caching or significantly reduce cache size, and the progress bar will be more reasonable.
Yeah, I’ve got something like this. My WiFi router has aliased over my public domain name. So, it, having the authority in my network, tells people to go directly to the local address.
If I leave, a refresh grabs the IP from a public/corporate DNS server, pointing to our external IP.
It works nicely, even though home assistant now has a ‘private’ and ‘public’ domain name that I could be using instead. Still, one name. Easier on the brain.
I just committed to organizing all of my clusterfucks with Zoos.
This is a really good point. I generally have the opposite experience re: Linux vs windows file handling speed. But I have been throttled before by heat.
OP, start again tomorrow and try the reverse, and tell us the results.
Welcome to the internet.
I use it to preferentially run the freezer when solar or generator is providing excess energy, and to pump water up from the spring if it’s too cold and the line might freeze.