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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2024


  • Yep, NixOS as a base + some Flatpak store for installing apps. In fact, use impermanence to just drop all OS state apart from logs, network settings and flatpaks. That way, “turn it off and then on again” will almost always work to fix the OS.

  • Keep following the train of thought. If a good system requires well meaning, educated, active members to keep it going, then a good system is one that produces those people.

    That is naturally the case. I’m mostly arguing against the idea that the current system is bad because “your rights can be taken away”. Capitalism is bad because its sole purpose (as in “The purpose of a system is what it does”) is redistribution of wealth and power from the poor to the rich, or from working class to owning class if you will.

  • I feel like this is the case regardless of the system? You can’t just install a “Good” leader once and expect them to provide everyone with equal rights forever. You can’t even build a “Good” system once and expect it to provide you with rights by itself. It would still require well-meaning, educated, active, and organized constituents to continuously stand up for what is right, prevent corruption and abuses of power, etc.

    There are no physically inalienable rights. They are ultimately just ideas and not laws of nature, and thus require enforcement by some human persons, and any such person is subject to corruption by power.

    There are no infallible systems. Social systems are but humanly devised constraints, and humans can and will overstep those constraints. It takes other humans to reinforce the system and maintain the constraints.

    That said, the system of capitalism is obviously a shitty one for everyone but the top 0.1% (and this percentage decreases with time), we as a species should do better. Socialism isn’t perfect either, but at least it empowers much more people to be active participants rather than slaves.

    To reiterate, it is simply not possible to “build a system in which no one has the power to take <rights> away to begin with”. Socialism would still be subject to corruption (as evidenced by countries that instituted it) and require constant “upkeep” by the citizens. However, socialism tends to produce citizens more well-equipped to protect their rights.

  • To be clear, the only way to solve the housing crisis is a large public construction project to build dense, urban, mixed-use (residential & commercial) city blocks full of midrises and/or “commie towers” (a.k.a Khrushyovka if you’re in the post-soviet world). And then to establish strict rent control in those units or even turn them into social housing provided by the state. The only people this would hurt is landlords and private property developers, who of course are lobbying hard to prevent this.

    If your politicians are doing something else to allegedly “solve the housing crisis” it is either pointless or actively harmful (e.g. building more luxury apartments or single-family homes in suburbia)

  • Statistically speaking most LGBTQ+ ARE mentally ill. This is not hate speech and you’re a brainwashed idiot if you think it is.

    It’s disingenuous to equate statements like “Most LGBT people suffer from anxiety and depression” and “Being gay is a mental illness”. It’s the second kind that is the problem, and I don’t think anyone is worrying about the first. In fact it’s probably in the interest of the LGBT community to spread this message around and get more help.

    You are so far up your own ass you somehow blamed the censorship of an operating system within a social media website on the entire far right. <…> How about you blame the oligarchs and big tech CEOs for reprogramming your mind to think and dislike what they want you to think and dislike.

    “They” in the second paragraph seems to refer to the people in power, I don’t see where they are blaming “the entire far right”.

  • You can try out Nix. It can be installed right there on your Kubuntu box, without any conflicts with apt or other package managers.

    It’s somewhat similar to portage with its ebuilds in that it’s source-first and allows you to set up complex dependency trees and configure every package in them. In your case it would allow you to avoid manual rebuilds and just build&install all your custom software with one command from one directory containing some .nix files that describe how to fetch, configure and compile every package. (Actually, for your dependencies those files are likely to be in nixpkgs already - you can check at https://search.nixos.org/packages. In that case, you don’t have to write any packaging instructions or even build everything, as Nix will intelligently download the binary versions which are helpfully provided by the Nix community).

    It’s quite different from most other package managers/build systems, though, being much “simpler” (it can be described as lambda calculus on files with syntax sugar) but much “harder” (the learning curve is actually a learning wall with the first section requiring mountain climbing experience and covered in barbed wire). If you’ve been maintaining builds for multiple packages by hand for years, though, it shouldn’t be too bad.