You can’t have errors if you don’t have logs 🤗
New Yorker navigating the labyrinth of telecom with a knack for enterprise networking. Python and Linux aficionado, Apple devotee. Currently leveling up in the realm of DevOps. A Yankees enthusiast in my downtime 🌐🚀
You can’t have errors if you don’t have logs 🤗
Lol I will not purchase a Tesla out of principle. I get your point though. It feels like we have some ways to go before the used EV market is actually competitive, but I am hopeful for the future.
I haven’t purchased an EV because they’re more expensive than an equivalent ICE vehicle. My current vehicle cost me $2,500 USD. My hope is that the used EV market continues to expand while economies of scale push prices down.
I get it - complaints about complaints, the ‘Inception’ of discourse, right? 😄 My aim was less ‘moan-fest’, more ‘awareness-raising’. But I see how it could have come off as one more tiresome rant. Point taken.
Downvoting? Sure, it’s a tool, but it feels like trying to empty an ocean with a bucket. As a community, can’t we aim higher? Maybe introduce more efficient levers? Let’s not just ‘downvote and move on’, let’s ‘upvote and move up’. Let’s brainstorm and pull this platform to greater heights.
Domain registration ≠ internet security. Root of trust is in cryptographic keys, not domains. DNS is not the security cornerstone you make it out to be. PKI says hi!
I want them all! They all look fabulous!
I agree. It would be one thing if they advertised symmetric speeds, but they aren’t. The FCC will also have cable companies labeling internet plans with these soon. This seems like a nonissue.
What are the “actual speeds?” They’re selling 10gbps circuits so I don’t really see a problem with this.
This article talks about low upload speeds on existing infra and completely ignores the fact that the limitations they spell out are a factor of extremely limited upload spectra on traditional DOCSIS networks. This is a problem with the technical standard, not the carriers (which have their own problems)
The funniest part is that the DOCSIS4.0 spec is addressing this limitation yet here we are.
Is node over subscription a problem? Absolutely. But I don’t think the root of that problem is the marketing department.
I would not put much stock in this article because they are either uninformed on what they’re reporting on, or intentionally telling half truths. There are enough reasons to hate cable companies, we don’t need to invent new ones.
This is the new DOCSIS4.0 network. I really don’t understand how it is as contentious as everyone makes it out to be. It’s a new standard allowing for faster speeds.
Good luck on your CCNA! That’s where I started my journey many years ago and I will never regret it.
“Cameron’s World is a tribute to the lost days of unrefined self-expression on the Internet.”
This hit home. I feel that same sentiment now on the Fediverse.
It’s alarming to think about losing our gaming history. How can we work together to preserve and safeguard beloved classics?
Someone’s taking ‘practical exams’ to a whole new level.
Microsoft’s new version of Clippy: ‘It looks like you’re trying to obscure a major security breach. Can I assist you with euphemisms?’
Going off of the comments already, I would say that this is a truly unpopular opinion. Well done, OP!