I use Nobara which comes with drivers for Nvidia and stuff just works. It’s very noob friendly.
I use Nobara which comes with drivers for Nvidia and stuff just works. It’s very noob friendly.
Try newpipe through f-droid
This is what I do as well
Lol gotta pay for “adfree subtitles”
What do you mean bro? Linux runs a shit ton of games and some even better than windows.
I use Firefox with ublock on Android or newpipe
I just keep playing the same game I’ve played since 2004 and I’m fine with that.
I’ll never understand how you guys in the US are fine with having bandwidth limits on your broadband connections. I’d be pissed. I even have unlimited on my phone. Like wth?
Use discord or something and screen share the movie in a call?
“allowlisted” topkek
I’ve started to transition into linux to prepare for the future. It’s been good so far.
Lol overpriced locked down PoS os
Tele2. I was able to get the price reduced by calling them and asking them for an upgrade.
I live in Sweden and you can find the adress of like 99% of the people living in Sweden by just doing a simple google search on their name. For example famous actor Stellan Skarsgård. I found his home adress in about 5 seconds.
In Sweden I pay $23 for 100/100 unlimited. My phone even has 100 down unlimited for $30/month
Brave is chrome
Sweden is pretty much the same. Most places even refuse to take cash. I haven’t even seen the new bank notes and they were changed back in 2015.
Same here in Sweden. I never go to the regular checkouts because it is annoying to queue. Just scan everything while shopping. Put the scanner back, pay and leave.
Here in Sweden your workplace will pay 80% of your salary for the first 7 days, and then if you are still sick, you need to get a doctor’s note and then the state will pay you instead.
Also if your kid is sick you can be home with 80% salary paid by the state.