Sometimes I have to readjust the mirrors during a trip depending on how I sit.
Sometimes I have to readjust the mirrors during a trip depending on how I sit.
Just because most companies do it, doesn’t mean it’s ok.
It’s not about targeted ads based on information provided by the user of the service. If you have read the article you would know that they are banning behavioral advertising.
Did you read the whole article? It’s about behavioral advertising based on metrics that are not explicitly stated to the user. If the users opt in to this kind of advertising then it’s ok, but Facebook/meta has to get their agreement.
Never meant to defend oracle. I dislike them even more than IBM.
Here is the source blog post from oracle: https://www.oracle.com/news/announcement/blog/keep-linux-open-and-free-2023-07-10/
RedHat really fucked up with this move. I know RedHat employees and everyone from RedHat I met so far was proud they work there and how much open source meant to the company. I guess there will be more and more redhatters looking for new opportunities in the coming months.
The source code will still be available, the GPL2 still applies. As far as I understand, RedHat will publish the upstream code that will eventually end up in RHEL. This article can explain it better than I can: https://www.theregister.com/2023/06/23/red_hat_centos_move/
Yeah based on the article SUSE is planning to contribute the Project to an open source foundation, additionally they are going to invest 10+ million dollars. Looking forward to see what open source foundation this is going to.
They don’t even need to scrape it. There is a torrent out there with all the data for the last 10 years or so neatly packaged.
Swartz unfortunately died in 2013.
Their company construct and data sharing within that construct just doesn’t align with my values.
Signal is mainly used by the people I communicate with. The Founder of Signal is also a known Computer Security expert. The signal protocol itself is also used by WhatsApp, Google Messages and Faccebook Messages.
I just had a look at the telegram privacy policy (https://telegram.org/privacy#8-who-your-personal-data-may-be-shared-with) and compared to signals privacy policy (https://signal.org/legal/) telegrams policy is just not for me.
In the current times Signal is the only viable way on mobile. On PC Matrix is a good alternative for chatrooms with friends.
Additionally Mazdas are relatively cheap for what you get, and they last.
Here is a non paywalled link: https://archive.is/fELsN
I doubt that the main source of software performance issues is due to security. I think the main problem is that software is not optimized anymore. Add this lib and that one.
Most devs I work with don’t even know how much CPU or memory their application needs to run.
There should be a way to limit cpu usage and nem usage for a pwa on Linux. Definitely something I should look into.
How are you running pwas on Linux?
I also read that when you hit the limit on desktop, the webpage sends 10 requests every few seconds. It looks like the Frontensegeln doesn‘t have the functionality to deal with the limit.
For me this looks like the transition of RedHat from an engineering lead company to a MBA lead company is transitioning.
AI written scripts will just repackage old ideas. Nothing new or innovative.