There are a few there, but nothing to support your initial claim of it being rampant
There are a few there, but nothing to support your initial claim of it being rampant
Then you should be able to link to the mod log of the removed stuff
I haven’t seen anybody praising the shooter. I have seen about bunch of gallows humor. Is that what you’re talking about?
Reminder: Democrats lost the House in 2022
This is a tool, and I know I’m gonna get hate for this, BUT!
This is super useful in a secondary classroom. Let’s say you have a class that’s going to read The Outsiders. In an 8th grade class you will have reading levels ranging from 2nd grade to 12th grade. This allows the entire class to have discussions about the book regardless of the strength of their ability to read.
Some folks have been screaming this for the last 4 years!
1: read the post 2: that’s still a ridiculous price
I mean, I wouldn’t expect to have custom Linux ROMs for an iPad. For an Android device, which is already Linux based, that would make sense. But it wouldn’t surprise me if the newer iPads had builds for them since they’re built on the same processor as the MacBooks
What could you not install Linux on? I’ve never had that issue.
It depends on the chipset. The big changes in chipset have been the big barriers for Mac upgradability. My father ran a 10 year old MacBook that was still running the latest MacOS until he found that his 4GB of RAM wasn’t going to be enough and bought a new one (without talking to me first). I had a PPC MacBook that ran on the latest MacOS for about 6 years after Apple switched to Intel.
They don’t, actually. They only sell anonymized statistics and don’t allow advertisers to choose who they advertise to. As a result, they can’t charge as much for advertising. So they are actively taking less money to better protect your information in that respect.
That’s kind of my point. $18 per person is a ridiculous cost. They have a population of ~37,000 people. It would be less inexcusable if it were in Dallas (~1.3m). I mean, police stations don’t need vehicles like that at all, but it’s even more disgusting that a town that small spent money on that.
It’s part of the Dallas/Ft Worth metro, but that cost is something like $18 per person in the town.
I’ve worked on supposed “Agile” teams that operate this way, and worked on an Agile team that actually work ridiculously well. The biggest issue with Agile isn’t the philosophy, it’s when management starts using it to cut costs. This comment is what it turns into. Notice that every single one of these points lower cost. But one of the main assumptions of Agile is that the workers control the work, managers support the workers. The places I’ve been where Agile didn’t work it was because management was unwilling to buy into this basic assumption, then use Agile as a crutch for not giving the team what they needed to be successful.
The one successful team I was on that was Agile, the entire group of around 12 worked directly with the customer, and our manager’s role was to ask “what do you need”. It was hands down the best dev role I was ever in (before I became a teacher).
I’m not disagreeing with you about it being incorrectly advertised. I’m saying the headline is written to imply that the bible specifically excludes only the amendments that apply to slavery and women. That is not the case. In fact, the only place in the article that mentions that exact fact is the headline. So while it is technically true to say that it excludes those amendments, it is, at best, misleading. Why not say it “excludes amendment to handle the death of a president”? That is also technically true.
So what I’m saying is: you’re engaging in Lemmy’s second past time, bashing someone for calling out something that’s misleading because the implication fits your narrative.
It can both be reporting the facts and be rage bait. A headline that said “Trump Bible only contains the Bill of Rights and not the rest of the Constitution” would also be factual, but it doesn’t push the narrative that Trump is anti-black and anti-woman.
Don’t get me wrong, I think Trump is absolutely anti-black and anti-woman, but the headline is absolutely ragebait. It is selective to get people to click it.
The irony is that the poor behavior explains why many women would pick the bear
That’s not true. Fox News gets through just fine.
Israel: “those children were Hamas”
I think I look good in heels. They accentuate my amazing calves.
They’re designed to give the illusion of a longer leg, and long legs are traditionally seen as a desirable trait for women to have.