I am completely convinced that people who say LLMs should not be used for coding…
Either do not do much coding for work, or they have not used an LLM when tackling a problem in an unfamiliar language or tech stack.
I am completely convinced that people who say LLMs should not be used for coding…
Either do not do much coding for work, or they have not used an LLM when tackling a problem in an unfamiliar language or tech stack.
You really have a stick super far up your ass huh?
Being a cunt online to internet strangers doesn’t give you any special privileges in life…
It also doesn’t make you any smarter to call somebody else dumb. Congrats on having nothing worthy of adding to the discussion.
They just released the patch on game pass.
Give it another shot.
Hey man! I’ve read this article a few times, perhaps from other comments on Lemmy!
Thanks for the write-up. I’m a programmer myself.
Stuck in operations in my new job until we’re done with the data center exit/ migration. Anyway cool beans, and very interesting article. Will keep all this in mind if any of my hobby projects take off.
Daft Punk for the Honda Tron Remix 2.0 album or gtfo
Thankfully, it seems like places like the EU and now Japan are considering ALL use cases, not just the majority of them.
What an interesting read!
Thank you so much. Interesting to hear about Stoker’s widow, and her going to the courts to pursue a copyright claim.
Hey this is a pretty interesting story, got a link?
The fact that VS code runs on JavaScript is its strength not its weakness.
But you do you, like I said.
Edit: to the other person, whom I realized is just joking
My point stands, I guess?
Just use VSCode ffs.
Also, yes I endorse VSCode wholeheartedly but do whatever works for you.
Notepad++ is fine for the vast majority of people.
I wouldn’t say non-factual.
I would just say that rule isn’t universal. My company is moving assets into a cloud hosting service. And right now, AD are 100% needed for those assets to have authorization.
It was a different authorization solution on premises.
So basically, the opposite of what he was saying in my particular situation. Of course I can’t speak to all companies.
I really want to respond to your comment and go in more depth as to how my work situation is with AD groups etc etc
I just don’t want to be careless and speak more about the particular infrastructure of my company’s workflow than I need to
Suffice to say, we are continuing to move assets to a cloud hosting service. Due to our unique solution, we still require AD groups.
Funny enough, we need the AD groups for the cloud assets to run as expected. It’s a different kind of authorization on-prem
I literally create AD groups as a small part of my job
Obviously, I can’t go into any more details just in case. Yes, certainly Linux is King of the server world.
But your information is not up to date. We’re not going to Azure anytime soon. Congratulations, you are making broad sweeping claims that just don’t hold up to the least amount of investigation.
I have and it’s great.
Also, unlike a lot of people I just delete vast swathes of my tabs from time to time.
Let’s be honest, you didn’t need it and I didn’t need it.
But I’m still gad I can go back to a random tab from a week ago from a session I had closed out of
How is your latency on Chiaki?
I have pretty decent home wifi and honestly…
It’s just not a great experience.
Although tbf I installed it once on a macbook and the experience was not great. Didn’t do hardly any finagling to improve latency
I have the z fold 5 and absolutely love it
First upgrade in several years for me. I got the one plus 7 pro a couple months after it came out, and used that until the fold 5 recently.
Are you being serious?
Yes, saying “don’t install social media apps if you don’t like them” is the same as saying “lift weights to stop being depressed bro”.
Your brain is too advanced and I cannot follow the steps you took to reach this conclusion.
If you’re really comparing LLM’s to your Encarta cd from 1995 and saying the Encarta CD was the superior experience…
I’m afraid there’s not much left for us to discuss… Our views are too far apart.
Yeah I mean I’ve had minor edits reversed because I didn’t source the fact properly
And that was like 10 years ago I’m surprised these edits are getting through in the first place