Highest bidder, probably insurance companies for blacklisting, or pig agencies for blackmail and emotional terrorism (“we want to find a relative of yours” .
Highest bidder, probably insurance companies for blacklisting, or pig agencies for blackmail and emotional terrorism (“we want to find a relative of yours” .
| Judith Miller’s NYTimes
Opinion immediately discarded
ACAB The police are the largest and best funded gangs in the USA, their entire existence is racketeering. Fort Worth would not be a unique situation.
Chain was yanked?
Gotta keep those slave labor camps filled up!
“That’s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”
― George Carlin
Does any of that include his genocide of Palestine?
Drop out, drop dead, I am fine with either.
That’s not counting the millions of crimes committed with weapons still owned and used by the police.
Bullies NEVER pick a fight with anyone their own size, duh!
VPN: Don’t go online without it.
They prolly don’t use turn signals either. Anarchists!
EVERY U.S. president for the last 80 years should be.
Because 'Murica.
He is the first U.S. military member in the last 80 years whose death was not in service of the ruling class/bankers/MIC.
Torrenting this one (Appin Uncensored), any priority on the others? Anyone taking up the project if DDos quits?
Can’t stop the signal!
“Works in my environment.”
Red States: Where you can live “The Handmaid’s Tale” but can’t read it.
She might be on to something.
The sooner these modern slave plantations are closed, the better.