Inwish i could control spotify from winamp man
Inwish i could control spotify from winamp man
Well most windows users aren’t using it to organize neonazis or sell drugs (which is at least half of telegrams users) so maybe that’s why
How much did he eat!?
I love these cookies personally. Soft cookies are so much better than hard crunchy ones.
Well it’s only a matter of time
Good fuck Nintendo lol
I dont even have parties because I know no one will show up so that’s pretty good.
Palworld is a lot of fun you won’t regret it
It’s too bad the majority of people are too thick to understand this.
True, I head theres no takesie backsies in space
Good chance they are the cop
Knock their ass out so they are afraid to show their face? I know that’s assault but who the fuck cares about nazis
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, what’s a good place to buy them, ebay? I’d be using it mainly for web browsing and playing sames through moonlight
The other 30% are rich
I still got my illicit trump trading card nfts saved somewhere. Those are pretty funny
Ypu mean my 4090 isn’t good enough 🤣😂
You assume TES6 isnt going to be pure trash like FO76 and starfield but… um… I dont share that same outlook. If anything TES6 will be the final nail in the coffin when the masses get their hands on it and see the buggy outdated mess they get.
Well my Trans friend moved down there and has been happy for 5 years, so I don’t know I’ll ask them for you.
If you can avoid the super political people, florida is hella dope. Is it crazy, sure, but theres tons of cool shit to do and has absolutely beautiful nature. (im not from florida either lol NYer here)
Lol re tard