Oye weon que andai haciendo acá jaja
Oye weon que andai haciendo acá jaja
So then why not use pen and paper and be done with it? It’s basic opsec
Technically that’s misgendering by the part of whoever write the things. God made man and woman in their image, so they are neither. It should be a They. Even more so if you consider his 3-part existence.
Joseph Gordon Levitt, acá Joseph golden rabbit.
Gallowbob and hitrecordjoe were some famous ones. Gallow because his repost bots, and hitrecord because he was a famous Hollywood actor who shitposted a lot on that account.
It is completely free though. You only pay if you want to add RealDebrid, and that’s completely optional.
I’m just running into errors here, and the patching aborts itself. Not my first time using revanced either, so no idea what’s happening.
Emergencies that would normally sever other means of communications. Think natural disasters that interrupt internet access. Usually radio stations are the first to come back up, and priceless at times where information is key.