• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023

  • Yep, I don’t think the A55 is the culprit either – just outlined the reasoning behind that. Sometimes pairing also gets things wrong which leads to the headphones using an older protocol version.

    But that doesn’t seem to be the case as it’s using SSC, at this point I’d also just guess it’s a bad battery. You can try pairing them again but I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t help. Still, couldn’t really hurt to try.

  • Couple things I could think of, that can lead to this sort of behavior:

    1. Using them in a cold environment, like -20 to -30 degrees Celsius.
    2. Headphones dropping down to an older standard for some reason, and connecting e.g. via bt 4.x or using an incorrect codec (would explain why one of them is draining so much faster) – should be possible to check in BT settings
    3. The headphones just have a bad battery, I’ve run into multiple headphones which just turn off once the battery reaches 50-60 %, especially when it’s cold out

    But these are just suggestions and speculation, I’m not really an expert on the subject.

  • Given that there are engineers involved I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that was deliberate. Trying to get potentially offensive or otherwise NSFW acronyms past marketing without them noticing is practically an industry-wide joke at this point, which is why they are so prevalent in the FOSS space. (no marketing staff to complain)

    If that’s true in this case, though, hats off to whoever managed to get it though to official commercial standards

  • Quickly played the storyline of Detroit: Become Human through for the first time, some Dishonored for nostalgia and fell back to playing the PS2 games I never had the console for back when I was a child.

    Most of my recent hours have gone to Rayman 3, and there’s a big heap of PS2 games to go through after that. I’ve noticed PCSX2 doesn’t consume much battery, so my typical travel games tend to be PS2 games as well.

  • Should’ve probably included where I’m from, that being Europe, more specifically Finland. As far as I know our index for inflation (HICP) sourced from ECB hasn’t so far taken into account OOHC (owner-occupied housing cost) and has focused more on rents and other costs of living. Proposed roadmaps for changing the official indices would back this understanding, unless I’m interpreting something very incorrectly.

    There’s some rent controls in place in most European countries, so rents aren’t tightly coupled with house prices in many locations. As such, for specific dwellings it can often be cheaper to rent than to own, since rent increases are regulated at least a bit, but cost to purchase the unit altogether is not. In many more expensive cities there’s also the issue of units not being available to rent, since the rents don’t directly reflect the market value of the rented unit.

    Though including OOHC to the calculations will cause some difficulties when you take into account more rural areas, where the value of housing can not only go down, but actually be negative. In rural Finland there are cases where you can actually be paid to get a whole apartment complex out of someone’s hands, since the costs outweigh whatever rent you can get out of the place. People are opening shell companies and selling stock in an apartment complex (a peculiarity of the local system called limited liability housing companies, or asunto-osakeyhtiö) to them at a loss, to get rid of paying for upkeep.

  • SEO is of course a problem, but it’s been a problem for a long time, and there are ways around it for those who know how to seek information. Proper use of keywords, blacklisting sites with known spam information, searching specific sites, mandating specific words and phrases to be contained in the search etc. It’s true, however, that information has become less discoverable during the latest decade – at least reliable information has.

    While AI-written spam articles and such have been a pain sometimes, gatekeeping content is in my opinion as big of a threat to the proper use of search engines for finding information. As more and more sites require you to log in to view the discussion (social media is the worst offender here) much of the search results is unusable. Nowadays the results lead to a paywall or a login wall almost more often than to a proper result, and that makes them almost completely useless. I understand this kind of thing for platforms which pay for creating the content, e.g. news sites, but user-generated content shouldn’t be locked behind a login requirement.

    I fear the day StackOverflow and Reddit decide the users’ discussions should be visible for only logged-in users. Reddit has already taken the first steps with limiting “NSFW” content to logged-in users only (on new reddit). Medium articles going behind paywall also caused some headaches a while back.

  • I wouldn’t call OLED a minor upgrade – considerably better battery life and color rendering. Also better blacks without background bleed, which is a major annoyance when gaming in dark (bus, plane, bedroom etc.)

    800p is for a good reason – although e.g. 1080p would be more crisp, personally I’d pick better colors and higher refresh rate over resolution in this case. When gaming with the APU, most games (especially AAA) can’t be upped to 1080p either way without considerable performance drop. I kinda understand the need for higher resolutions from a strategy gaming standpoint, but to me at least the compromise isn’t worth it.

    When PPI is considered with standard viewing distance, it’s still better than my 1080p 13" laptop. With proper anti-aliasing there’s no need to push it further, at least IMO it’s not worth it compared to the reduced performance.

    2560x1600 would make a bit more sense, as you could drop the resolution to 1280x800 without having to smear pixels due to pixels not lining up in the smaller resolution. That would also be better for strategy games. Don’t really know how good the panel availability for those is, though, since it’s probably using a tablet screen.