Oh man I am sort of forever angry for GoDaddy…
I had GoDaddy as my DNS registrar for over a decade. When I first signed up, they offered free email. I didn’t take up on this offer at first because it added complexity - it didn’t seem to work as I wanted (my homeserver is my smtp server). I wanted it to be a backup server by perhaps running a catchall and queue mail to my home server in case it goes down – seemed like something that could be done.
Fast forward to a few years ago. They decided to go with Microsoft as their mail server. No more catchall. No no no, this will not work. at all anymore. So I just gave it up. Sigh.
I ended up just not running an alternate MX as most servers will retry anyway, though I’ve been desubbed a few times with a few mail lists due to bouncing, alas my server has been fairly stable and the bouncing hasn’t happened way too often.
I would have voted “because it’s cool” but really it’s because I have control of my software and my equipment. Education is part of the deal. Security and privacy is not guaranteed but it’s under my control.
Definitely missing out on “better services” because large data models can do very good spam filtering which I don’t get because I don’t have access to other peoples’ mail … (which falls into privacy concerns… of other people…)