Western people overwhelmingly think animal abuse is wrong yet 90+ percent pays for it through their food choices
Western people overwhelmingly think animal abuse is wrong yet 90+ percent pays for it through their food choices
That website was the fastest loading website I’ve ever visited.
Where did I accuse them of selling data right now? I’m simply deducing that they will have to cover the insane costs of their inefficient infrastructure through either becoming a paid app or collecting data to sell.
And my point is that since their costs are so high they will either have to become a paid app or start collecting data to sell. Or become more efficient but you’d think if they knew how they’d already done that.
I think the main red flag is that they are spending so much money. In 2023 they had 55m monthly active users and they spent $35m. The casual WhatsApp user that might switch to Signal is definitely not gonna pay for this so either Signal fans have to donate more or Signal has to start finding other monetization which if we look at other companies means selling private data.
(Also, half their spending is on hosting and they are not self hosting so a donation to Signal is basically a donation to Amazon and Google.)
Delta Chat aims for “WhatsApp-level” simplicity and these webxdc zips are just called “apps” when regular users interact with them in the Delta Chat app.
This blog post goes a bit more in-depth on what they are, how they work and how you can build one. Which I thought would be interesting for this Technology forum.
Yeah the spec is at https://webxdc.org/ and it is implemented by Delta Chat and a couple XMPP clients.
I don’t use Matrix so I’m not sure.
simple to use
Not sure how to make that simpler
big accounts won’t move over, nor will their followers.
This post is about private messaging, not social media.
They are apps that use a messenger as backend, so basically your conversation with someone else has all the state of the webxdc. In Delta Chat that would be the encrypted email thread.
To use a webxdc share it in any of the mentioned messaging apps.
I mean compiling an app to do that seems quite a high barrier to entry. I guess you could use the web version on mobile too maybe?
P2p encrypted file sharing is sadly still an unsolved problem even though file sharing is basically the whole premise of the internet.
Will look at this when we implement p2p file sharing into https://delta.chat
You don’t need a credit card for most things in Europe so it’s not as pressing. Even if a company leaked my bank account details, no one can charge it by default.
I also highly recommended using a temporary email for signing up for stuff whenever possible.
This is the worst security advice I have ever heard. Now someone doesn’t even need to get your password, just your email and they can just use the temporary email provider to reset your password?
I agree
Their advertisement budget is collected by guilt tripping Wikipedia users using the lie that the website would cease if they didn’t ”donate”.
Just tested on nobara 40 (which is basically fedora 40) gnome and it works
Works on Firefox if you ever get angry enough to bother switching.
Case in point