I’m in Gemany and our English teacher made everybody read Shakespeare, Dickens and more in the original. I estimate at least 1/3 of our class had reached a C1/C2 level of English after 3 years of his class.
I’m in Gemany and our English teacher made everybody read Shakespeare, Dickens and more in the original. I estimate at least 1/3 of our class had reached a C1/C2 level of English after 3 years of his class.
ShellCheck is a static analysis tool for bash/sh scripts - try it on your scripts. The README also shows some examples of what (not) to do.
The link to your project gives me a 404 btw, is it a private repository?
lf is a TUI file manager. In its Wiki, you’ll find a snippet to search with fzf and map it to a key.
they just went dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 bs=1G of=./ICUEAppData
i am doing a full system upgrade and something wants to build chromium from source. i let it run in the background and cloning the repository alone has downloaded 33GB wtf 😭
Gonna repeat what I said to Mikina - Thank you for sharing your setup, this kind of information is always extremely valuable <3
Thank you for sharing your setup, this kind of information is always extremely valuable <3
I’ll give you a little anecdote. I joined a casual server on Matrix recently. Two minutes into the conversation, it turns out the person I was talking to is installing some Linux stuff and watching an episode of classic Doctor Who. That’s two of my biggest interests right there that we immediately connected over. If there are only two users on Matrix, they’re the only two I need.
Your post encouraged me to self host Matrix ^^ That’ll be a nice project for the next rainy day
I don’t get it. Who is “they”? Why can’t you fetch the encrypted message from the server and then decrypt it client side?
Of the apps you mentioned, I can use Discord and Element in my browser. WhatsApp even installs as a PWA. And Steam games can be launched through Lutris afaik?
There is no such option with Signal though.
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using Tapatalk
I remember those shenanigans from Neopets. You couldn’t say cucumber on the forums.
What the heck, it consistently does not work for me. I guess that’s not the only deciding factor in why my posts don’t go through. I’ve changed the pronoun in my post from ‘you’ to ‘I’ because it doesn’t apply to everyone. ^^
That looks clean, thanks for posting the screenshot!
this is the first i hear of Arc, is it available as an iOS app only?
I only use Windows in corporate settings and OneDrive / file management has been the single biggest pain point for me, by far.
Windows tries to copy Apple and fails miserably.
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“they” ist kein Pluralwort. “they” ist ein Pronomen der 3. Person Singular sowie der 3. Person Plural. Das ist genau so, wie “you” ein Pronomen der 2. Personal Singular und der 2. Person Plural ist.