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Cake day: September 15th, 2023


  • I think they meant the economy, not population, but still, quality comment right here.

    People who don’t do math are doomed to talk nonsense. And you just used math to showcase the stupidity. Bravo, sir.

    One of my pet peeves is all the people concerned about the birth rate.

    We are at a time in the history of the planet where there have never existed as many homo sapiens as there are today, and that record will get broken every day for the next 20-50 years.

    Of all the times to want a higher birth rate since we have existed as a species, this just ain’t the time where it makes any kind of logical sense.

  • Honestly, I expect this AI bubble to implode with much more devastation than the dot-com bubble.

    And it’s not even that AI is useless. Like the internet (during dot-com) it will definitely have good uses.

    But (a) those uses will take many years to crystallize and mature and (b) the early capital-intensive movers have a big disadvantage and most of them don’t have a feasible path to recoup the money invested into them.

    This is why the AI club is licking Trump’s boot. They will get the federal government to bail them out by buying overpriced AI products and services and taking over worthless investments “in the interest of national security”.

    American taxpayers are going to foot this bill and they will not like it when they start seeing the effects.

  • The next step, in my opinion, is strong privacy and decentralized organization that fully leverages constitutional rights.

    I.e. a privacy preserving social media where labour unions, political parties and religious groups can federate with each other. Servers hosted on their premises and members register through an on-premise process.

    A church in a foreign country could generate a thousand aliases and distribute them to their federated sister organizations in a privacy preserving way. Only the church knows which organizations got which aliases and they protect this information.

    Your local labour union chapter picks up 20 of those aliases and distributes them to members. They are the only one who knows the person behind the alias.

    An observer in this private fediverse trying to obtain the identity would first need to approach the church. The church can stall them and warn downstream through a canary.

    The labour union chapter observes the canary and immediately wipes all information.

    And if that fails, then full I2P and Tor, with nodes hosted on-premise of churches, political parties and labour unions.

  • You don’t understand. This is tech tribal war.

    “Big Tech” is Apple, Google, Microsoft, OpenAI and Meta. Companies which were fully allied with the Democrats, and which were king of the tech hill until now.

    Musk, Thiel and Ellison (Tesla, Palantir and Oracle) are allied with Trump. Lets call them “Tech B”.

    Vance is doing code speak for: Tech B is gonna break Big Tech up and take top spot.

    And Big Tech knows this, which is why they are scrambling to get into Trumps good graces and trying to get Trump on their side.

    They have more money and influence right now and they are trying to leverage that to keep top spot.

    And Trump is just letting the two teams bid up each other for his favour.

  • Extra funds are only useful if they can provide a competitive advantage.

    Otherwise those investments will not have a positive ROI.

    The case until now was built on the premise that US tech was years ahead and that AI had a strong moat due to high computer requirements for AI.

    We now know that that isn’t true.

    If high compute enables a significant improvement in AI, then that old case could become true again. But the prospects of such a reality happening and staying just got a big hit.

    I think we are in for a dot-com type bubble burst, but it will take a few weeks to see if that’s gonna happen or not.

  • I agree.

    This also isn’t 2016.

    The American voting public knew what they were voting for and they cast their ballots and gave Trump a presidency and a Congressional majority.

    Businesses are responding to the changed political reality. And we also know how businesses operate, in an amoral fashion.

    If anyone thought Coca-Cola was some paragon of virtue, then they were naive.