Careful, we won’t have burn units here in the US for much longer.
Careful, we won’t have burn units here in the US for much longer.
What a ghoul. Ugh.
He singlehandedly turned them into swastikars /swasticars, so I imagine he’s got something to do with it, yeah.
Did they title the offer “Fork in the Road,” too?
Was choosing “neither; both suck” an option? Because it doesn’t seem like it, from the article, but I can’t tell.
Yeah, this doesn’t feel like a blunder. This is just more of the usual bullshit.
Time to make him Tim Apple to everyone else, too.
Gross. I hope they’re graffitied all over before the end of the week.
This guy read Foucault’s discussion about the panopticon and took it as instructions. Ugh.
Agreed. The life of a phone includes multiple cables (unless someone here knows some trick I don’t), so including OEM hardware that’s tested and recommended for the device is great and I wish it were still standard. Phone manufacturers not including parts that they still sell separately seems to have little to do with environmentalism/conservation and much to do with profits.
The correct answer is people are fat cats. That commenter was so close.
*checks username for anything Musk* It’s clean, we’re good.
Archived link
I’ve unlearned much of it, but it remains an ongoing process; it’s similar to how recovery from addiction is a lifelong process. Unfortunately, many of my (I’m guessing our, but don’t want to assume) compatriots don’t feel the need to unlearn it or don’t see it as an issue to begin with.
Assuming everywhere else is better
Nowhere did I say that I assumed everywhere else was better. I can see how you inferred that, but that wasn’t my implication; I suppose my sarcasm didn’t come through well enough. Rather, I am just so used to that type of gun rhetoric here and not used to that from what I hear about NZ that it was a surprise.
Power tripping assholes exist everywhere there’s power to be had.
Fully agreed with you.
I’m in the US and did a double take when I saw that it was NZ; it’s the Americentrism that was ingrained in me since childhood that led me to automatically assume, based on the headline, that it was a story from here.
It could easily be one of dozens of similar stories here. People here can get rabidly protective of their firearms. Threats/offensive comments like the one the employee in this situation made are common enough that I think this would only be considered a fluff piece in the states, if it made the news at all.
Is he secretly an American? Because that sounds far more like something I’d hear here. Atrocious.
My use of “you” was specific to the user to whom I was replying, not Harris. The user to whom I was replying implied that saying Hamas has a goal to kill Jews is a lie; it is not.
You may not realize this, but you can be against Israel’s genocide of innocent Palestinians without supporting Hamas - which is also pro-genocide, just of Jews.
It doesn’t have to be either/or. You can condemn awful people/groups/governments all around.
I’ve only ever known people to use Bing for porn (or because their workplace forces it on them). There are people who actually choose it?
McBride is truly awe-inspiring. She’s so strong.