2 years ago90 degrees outside the car? The inside of that car is gonna BAKE. And 2 hours before and after high noon ain’t shit. cook those hoes.
Psychiatric Registered Nurse
Love memes and scifi/fantasy.
90 degrees outside the car? The inside of that car is gonna BAKE. And 2 hours before and after high noon ain’t shit. cook those hoes.
apparently it’s practically impossible for me to catch bedbugs from a patient as a nurse. I can’t do my shoes in the dryer like that. I also couldn’t have done my leather jacket like that when my roomates caught me some fleas. Hot car is a fab solution in certain specific situations.
Utopia has always been a process, never a destination. You will never be able to elect humans that will act in your interests forever. You must stay alert and aware of the happenings around you and constantly advocate for yourself and those who can’t.
Also scribus can be extremely clunky if you need to make flyers inkscape may be easier.