Ok but it kinda is though
Ok but it kinda is though
That’s irrelevant. The study showed that people were in better mental health and the reason why he said it was because they were doing fulfilling hobbies is probably because they told the researchers that’s what they did instead.
Bruv real libraries will let you download books for free
It’s like there’s a financial incentive to have crime happen
I don’t think single party technically would cover that. The neighbors would have to be involved in the interaction to give themselves permission to record it.
I freaking love old time radio, that stuff is great!
That was a lot of delving into your personal opinions that I don’t care about to bury a “you’re right” in there. How typical, the only thing you relate to emotions is being unable to control someone else. They are another thing to get in the way of what you, like a selfish child that became a dictator, want. No empathy for the joys in life or sympathy for the sorrows, you hypocritically aggrandize logic through illogical opinions. They aren’t there specifically for decision making or as an accurate heuristic, they aren’t a tool for you to control, they are an experience to have while alive. Something you seem to be half assing. I’m glad you’re getting help but frankly it seems like you have a long way to go if you’re that level of control freak.
If you’re upset by this, you’re the type to be dismissive of emotions, I see no reason why I should consider yours in the slightest. If you don’t like how that feels, to have your emotions ignored, then I’ve given you something to think about, haven’t I?
And my comment was more to comment on the attitude rather than Linux itself.
Since we’re talking about how people come off, you come off as one of those people who like to think they are logical and rational but are very dismissive of emotions (of others) and come off as condescending, because you are. You’re also probably pedantic.
So, to appeal to your rational side, just because a decision is based off of emotion doesn’t inherently invalidate it. If someone said “3 isn’t a prime number you donkey” and you got mad and argued that it was, you’re still correct even if the way you got to that conclusion wasn’t rational.
It’s probably a variation of ad homonym but I’m not going to bother to look up the specifics.
Or maybe they just say they will try it to get you to stop badgering them about Linux
It’s a little calculated, but probably wouldn’t get picked up on by people.
I’m hella tired so I thought this said Hellova boss
Yeah, it’s a piss baby attitude. Why do you care if they don’t?
Fair enough, and who knows, maybe I will try it, I like open source and everything. It’s just op’s attitude was unappealing to say the least.
It’s less of a knee jerk reaction of insolence against some perceived authority to rebel against, and more that I found the demeanor and entitlement of the post to be so utterly repugnant that I was put off. “You said you’d use Linux and didn’t how dare you”. It’s like a toddler throwing a tantrum over people whom may not exist.
As for your related question, the subtext is that you are accusing me of being an unthinking person who reacts only out of emotion, and I don’t particularly care for that, nor do I have any reason to tell you my internal mental processes, so I decline answering it.
This made me never want to try Linux.
I think that they aren’t sweating because they also own the means of spreading media. Sure it’s “free or incredibly cheap” but when they own all of those they can still control what people are or don’t see. Just look up content creators complaining about YouTube’s algorithm or changing policies, stuff getting flagged for plagiarism incorrectly or demonetized.
Look at Twitter, which I will dead name, where one idiot can decide who gets to see what and what’s buried.
Ah, so passing on the tradition of not supporting your children, got it
Oh, I see, you misunderstood here. I was doing this old school traditional thing called “social graces”, which evidently you’re unaware of. It’s so people can save face, among other things. I was using a tactical social maneuver called “giving you the benefit of the doubt” and “giving you an out”, so that you could make yourself look like less the fool.
Since you’re clearly uneducated on social graces, you failed to “read the room” and what you posted could be interpreted as insulting most of the people commenting, but was vague enough to be about other people.
So I gave you the opportunity to explain yourself in a polite way, and now you’ve thrown it back into my face with an insult.
I had no idea I was talking to the societal equivalent of an angsty slug, but that’s what the benefit of the doubt is for.
You sad, lonely thing you.
Yeah I mean, with the death of local news, it’s harder to keep up because you have to investigate and research everything yourself. Which some might hand wave away as not a big deal but when you are working 3 jobs it’s hard to find time.