I don’t get those. Half of yt comments are “I like how x” where x is the plot of the video.
Sincerity, the last thing you still can’t buy.
It’s a thing about humanity. Sunrise on a heliocentric solar system looks the same as geocentric. And yet every single culture put us in the middle. It could have been 50-50 but instead we were all wrong together.
My point is that we see what we want. No, don’t change the words to suit them.
I got it to give me a book that was still in copyright status by selectively asking for bigger and bigger quotes. Took a while. Now it seems to have cottoned on to that trick.
I have been using it to do deep dives into subjects. Especially text analysis. Do you want to know the entire voc of the Gospel of Mark in original greek for example? 1080. Now how does this compare to a section of Plato’s republic of the same size? About 6-7x as large.
So right there we can see why Mark is often viewed as a direct text while Plato is viewed as a more ambiguous writer.
It definitely has its uses but it also has massive annoyances as you pointed out. One thing has really bothered me, I asked it a factual question about Mohammed the founder of Islam. This is how I a human not from a Muslim background would answer
“Ok wikipedia says this ____”
It answered in this long winded way that had all these things like “blessed prophet of Allah”. Basically the answer I would expect from an Imam.
I lost a lot of trust in it when I saw that. It assumed this authority tone. When I heard about that case of a lawyer citing madeup caselaw from it I looked it as confirmation. I don’t know how it happened but for some questions it has this very authoritative tone like it knows this without any doubt.
Explain on their level.
The internet is for hugs. The internet is for hugs. Why you think net was born? For hugs hugs hugs!
Imagine spending a thousand dollar right now on technology that has two standards not compatible and who knows if it is going to even work just so you could consume one type of media in the privacy of your home. Which media would be worth this great expense and risk?
The internet is for porn. How you think net was born?
I can see why you would want to keep invitations paper. Gives you a little bit of distance from the other parents. My kid comes home with one and I get to decide if this is something we are going to do instead of someone I really don’t know just getting my contact information and sending me an unsolicited invitation.
Would you feel comfortable with people just handing out your email address or phone number with the intent to push you into some social obligation?
OEMs. The documentation for every factory machine my company builds included a 3-ring binder of the entire system documentation as well as a print out of the schematics. Go ahead and try to convince a factory owner that paid us a quarter of a million not to include a 2 dollar manual.
Also I will sometimes print out complicated schematics and let my intern mark it up with pen. Sometimes you catch mistakes by changing your perspective.
Ok business idea
You buy the printer. The printer is made out of wood and metal. If you hit it with a hammer your hammer will break. It communicates only over Ethernet. Uses the default driver of the most popular desktop OSes. If you call support a surly man yells at you and tells you that this isn’t fucking EAgames, you buy it you own it our business is concluded. You put whatever ink you want in it via a syringe. Your grandkids can inherit it when you die and it will still work. When it breaks you get out a screwdriver and pliers to fix it. The manual warning for electrical shock hazard is “if you are too dumb to fix it you deserve getting electrocuted. Please hire someone who can be trust with scissors to open this”.
Just don’t explain anything and you don’t have to worry. At work only interact with your own gender and never be alone with the opposite. Better to be safe than sorry.
I have never liked the term. I am also in a technical role and feel like if I say anything to a women at work I will be yelled at.
Like okay I had to go to speech therapy for years the very fact that I can talk at all is a miracle of medical science. Any other time in human history I would be effectively mute. So now I am working with someone, I have to not only figure out the answer to their question I have to spend all this effort to get my mouth to move to say the answer and if I explain it even slightly wrong I am an awful person who deserves to have their life ruined.
I don’t know what you don’t know. Sometimes I am not going to simplify my answer not enough sometimes I am going to simplify it too much. I am going to make a mistake and for that I am sorry.
Frankly I do avoid it because I don’t want to be accused of something. If I don’t interact I can’t interact incorrectly.