Thanks! BTW, after trying a few things, what finally worked was removing the Pixel 4a from the car AA and Bluetooth menus and then readding it.
Thanks! BTW, after trying a few things, what finally worked was removing the Pixel 4a from the car AA and Bluetooth menus and then readding it.
I just had this issue yesterday with my Pixel 4a. I tired rebooting the car and phone without success. Luckily my wife plugged in her Pixel 5 and that worked.
Previous to yesterday, it’s been solid.
Sorry to hear! I assume you’re talking about the camera on the rear of the phone? That does have focus, not sure why it’s not focusing for you. If shaking it a bit doesn’t help or cleaning it off, not sure what else can be done.
As another poster said, the camera on the front of the phone doesn’t focus, it’s fixed.
Very interesting. I wonder if this effort is shared with the possibility of a more desktop-like mode on a tablet.
I’ll probably hang tight until Pixel 8 comes out.