And what exactly does that have to do with GrapheneOS?
And what exactly does that have to do with GrapheneOS?
not necessarily… I mean If they run under the same VM, I’d be fine with that as well…but having a sandboxed wrapper would for sure be nice.
if there was something that could run android apps virtualized, I’d switch in a heartbeat
And GIF is pronounced GIF
At least you learned a lot along your journey, while getting paid for it. So it’s not entirely a waste of time.
On the contrary, I’d still argue it’s a good distro for beginners, but not for newbies. people who are tech-sawy and not hesitant to learn new things.
I jumped straight into EndeavorOS when I switched to Linux, since arch was praised as the distro for developers, for reasons.
Sure, I had some issues to fight with, but it taught me about all the components (and their alternatives) that are involved in a distro.
So, once you have a problem and ask for help, the first questions are sorts of “what DE/WM do you use?.. is it X11 or wayland? are you using alsa or pipewire?”.
Windows refugees (like me) take so many things for granted, that I think this kind of approach really helps in understanding how things work under the hood. And the Arch-wiki is just a godsend for thst matter. And let’s be real, you rarely look into Arch-wiki for distros other than Arch itself, since they mostly work OOTB.
Hey Canada, just so you know: I’m an European, and I watch “Son of a Critch” and “Shoresy”
Yeah… I also miss doom-scrolling unixporn and ergomechkeyboards in here.
I guess we can expect another burst of Reddit refugees
If buying ain’t owning, than downloading…
oh wait, that’s our slogan
why isn’t this banned already?
Word… this is why I used spotify for a long time, when it used to be a good service… pirating wasn’t worth the hassle.
now almost everything is worth the hassle
In Austria, he’d already be arrested… twice!
So AI should get the most relevant info, while we (humans) have to fight through ads, and popups and shit… At this point, I feel discriminated
Some people just don’t want to store anything on their devices for whatever reason.
Odin doesn’t play local content, instead it gets the streamable media directly from a debrid service like RealDebrid
RealDebrid and AllDebrid
It doesn’t. It’s nothing like any of these two. They provide local media content, Odin on the other hand streams media directly provided by the debrid service.
So, no downloading and hoarding involved.
I know about WayDroid, but never heard of ATL.
So yeah, while we have the fundamentals, we still don’t have an OS that’s stable enough as a daily driver on phones.
And this isn’t a Linux issue. It’s mostly because of proprietary drivers. GrapheneOS already has the issue that it only works on Pixel phones.
I can imagine, bringing a Linux only mobile OS to life is even harder. I wish android phones were designed in a way, that there is a driver layer and an OS layer, with standerdized APIs to simply swap the OS layer for any unix-like system.