• 11 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2024

  • I know about WayDroid, but never heard of ATL.

    So yeah, while we have the fundamentals, we still don’t have an OS that’s stable enough as a daily driver on phones.

    And this isn’t a Linux issue. It’s mostly because of proprietary drivers. GrapheneOS already has the issue that it only works on Pixel phones.

    I can imagine, bringing a Linux only mobile OS to life is even harder. I wish android phones were designed in a way, that there is a driver layer and an OS layer, with standerdized APIs to simply swap the OS layer for any unix-like system.

  • On the contrary, I’d still argue it’s a good distro for beginners, but not for newbies. people who are tech-sawy and not hesitant to learn new things.

    I jumped straight into EndeavorOS when I switched to Linux, since arch was praised as the distro for developers, for reasons.

    Sure, I had some issues to fight with, but it taught me about all the components (and their alternatives) that are involved in a distro.

    So, once you have a problem and ask for help, the first questions are sorts of “what DE/WM do you use?.. is it X11 or wayland? are you using alsa or pipewire?”.

    Windows refugees (like me) take so many things for granted, that I think this kind of approach really helps in understanding how things work under the hood. And the Arch-wiki is just a godsend for thst matter. And let’s be real, you rarely look into Arch-wiki for distros other than Arch itself, since they mostly work OOTB.