Exploit it you say? Please get in line behind the russians, the chinese snd pretty much all arab countries
Exploit it you say? Please get in line behind the russians, the chinese snd pretty much all arab countries
Wow, leave it to redditors to make change without actually making change. A few of those subs had open discussions on instituting a ban and they discovered x links were in the dozens per year. Musk is definitely gonna feel that. What they should have done is ban all twitter images as well, those fuckers make up 3/4 of posts on /r/popular. Or ban/restrict musk news, because it feels like the remainng 1/4 posts are “news” that cover musk, including dozens of discussions on whether the nazi cheated in fucking videogames or not ( same as here come to think of it ). But no, they’re addicted to those and unable to make meaningful changes, so they’re left with these halfcocked “bans”.
So what’s the news here? Win 10 support ends in october. Doesn’t that automatically mean that they will also not support office apps running on Win 10 starting october?
Lobbying. The greedy fucks will lobby until they get their way
What are you going to do with billionaires CEOs that are basically chinese/russian puppets? What about security elements that are “american software” but have leaked to the highest chinese bidder?
How the hell are you going to enforce that no “chinese and russian software and hardware” make it into the cars? Its hilariously difficult to enforce it because its vague, and its vague because its not about national security but trade.
We do need laws to prevent the inevitable abuse that comes with chinese cars but this particular ban reeks of bullshit.
Concidentally, I only saw these captchas from hell on sites that also have their own apps. I suspect they’re trying to force you to use the app instead of the browser (while also training AIs of course).
Its fascinating to see that a chinese state controlled app has the power to potentially destabilize small economies. Also fuck influencers, they are a plague on this world.
Not sure why you feel the need to defend your actions by drawing analogies with real piracy - it’s their attitude towards you as a content consumer that you should note in this situation, and that’s just appaling. Your actions may well be piracy but frankly that’s just a word they use to guilt you out of choosing convenience and safety. Be a pirate and be proud, goddammit!
You’re offended that a foreign xenophobic tabloid did not accurately depict her indian heritage in a goddamn caricature? Come on man, live and let live.
Yeah, privacy. That’s definitely what it’s for
I don’t think this will bury MS because they can easily market this to enterprise clients ( if they haven’t already ). Recall is a particularly useful tool for any employer that wants to keep track of everything employees do, especially in an age of WFH. They probably figured they can take the PR hit from users concerned about privacy and move on unaffected.
Just wait until you find out some of us still want FM on our phones.
The thing with SD cards is that there’s a crapton of phones with 64/128 internals and still don’t have one. I for one wouldn’t really need one if I had 512, but to get to 512 you usually hace to pay a huge premium, because all major manufacturers have adopted the apple model of upcharging for storage. And frankly in the age of affordable 1tb SD cards I should’t have to pay hundreds to get a measly 256 or 512 gb of storage.
The jack is also a manufactured problem ( also pioneered by apple, iirc ). Why would I give up my existing wired headphones to replace them with expensive sub-standard battery operated ones. Its especially ironic for manufacturers who do a lot of greenwashing. The usb-c adapter is an ok compromise though, and I for one am coming around to that l because you can only find jacks on niche or crap phones these days.
I’m not sure why you brought the “tech is old” argument because frankly it doesn’t make sense for these two.
…and you follow the link and the details are “Fixed bugs and improved stability”
Ah, but you see, they are not the same. Control Panel is an archaic tool that lets you configure your windows quickly and efficiently. The new and improved AWS will be designed from the ground up to waste your time and discourage tweaking. It will probably obfuscate some settings, quietly remove some settings, track your usage, etc.
I would be tempted to say that it will now turn to shit, but in Discord’s case it was pretty shit already.