True, but I was suggesting Flatseal, more for once the issue was resolved.
True, but I was suggesting Flatseal, more for once the issue was resolved.
If you are looking to mess with what your flatpaks can do, Flatseal it is really nice for managing permissions, for your flatpaks.
It may not be what you are looking for, but though I would drop it in just in case.
Challenging, but spectacular.
With 1.5TB capacity micro sd cards available, a pigeon could probably deliver 12-18TB.
I have my mum (67) and my partner using it.
Libre office and Firefox cover 99.9% of all the things mum actually does.
My partner uses blender, krita and audacity also.
Auto updates… Almost no tech support.
They are in a war with reality, and reality went and invented the nuke.
I’m not sure.
They don’t seem much more dangerous than the new breed of massive flat nosed ute’s that I see around.
If a pedestrian gets hit at any kind of speed by an ute, they are fucked.
I can’t buy one, they are not available in NZ yet. Despite what anyone else says, I like the look, it looks like the bastard child of a delorian and a countach, but in a good way.
I wouldn’t buy one despite the fact that I like it. It is far too big for NZ roads, I may have overlooked that. But I can’t overlook the fact that Elon has, for me at least, destroyed any good will that was built up. Tesla and all the people who work there have been tarred with the Nazi brush that Elon is wielding.
The only way that Tesla could claw back any respect from me (and hopefully the rest of the world) would be to oust Elon, and all his family from any decision making in the company. It will not happen so my respect for them is gone!
This would be really great.
Commercial applications and a donations framework.
Life goals, don’t fuck up so bad that even Nestle wont work with you!
Mmmm mm, that is one tasty gender identity.
Say cishet one more time motherfucker
I felt the confirmation bias extremely when I read “Ultraprocessed people: the science of food that isn’t food”
I had been calling if a “food like product” for decades before reading the book. As in “that’s not food, it is a food like product”.
I made the switch in 2010.
I dual booted for a while, one day I realised that I hadn’t booted into windows for 3 months. At that point I reinstalled, no more dual booting. I haven’t looked back.
I keep a windows VM, currently has Win10 installed, I haven’t had to use it in about 3 years.
My advice is, keep dual booting. One day you’ll realise that booting into windows feels like a chore, you haven’t done it in months, so why keep it around…
Onion mail
Hybrid is best.
I use the GUI quite a lot.
But some things are just easier in CLI, especially if you have to do that thing often.
The other reason to use the command line is automation, it is very easy to write a bash script and run it as often as needed, if every day at midday you want to update something CLI is much easier.
e.g everyday at 2am, my rsync script runs to backup my important files.
e.g 2, I have a small script to combine all the pdf’s in the current directory into a single file using pdftk. It is so much faster than any graphical way.
I had a similar issue, running Mint.
It took me a while, but I tracked it to a buggy firmware on the nvme SSD (WD black 4000). Once I updated the firmware, all the stability issues disappeared.
If your system in under heavy disk load when the issue appears, take a look at your SSD firmware.
Choose your starting level!
But we know for sure that these chemicals are modifying the weather!
I guess, crazy people just need to shout at clouds sometimes.
So no more releasing CO2 or CH4 (chemicals) into the atmosphere then?
I went to help out a friend, a few years ago, he runs vanilla Edge, I can’t believe anyone actually uses the internet like that.