“I’m sorry, you cannot send this email because it contains the words “cisgender”, please edit this and try again.”
A transferee from Reddit. Also the person who does those imgur meme dumps.
“I’m sorry, you cannot send this email because it contains the words “cisgender”, please edit this and try again.”
OK so I have used several DEs but right now I’m on Plasma 6 because frankly, it’s the best out there. It’s easy to use, customizable, intuitive and looks nice. Is it on the heavier side? Yes, but that’s okay. Also it helps that I have learnt the keyboard shortcuts on this.
I have used XFCE, Mate and Cinnamon in the past. If KDE somehow vanished off the face of the planet, I would likely switch to XFCE because it’s light, customizable and fully functional.
Next stop, we will make installing Linux on a Dead badger a reality.
Yeah no shit.
Breaking community and individualism is kinda a big thing billionaires want because that way people can’t organise to rise up against them.
If History is anything to go by, poor people threatening the rich.
Oh there’s several ways, especially if you have poor opsec. People used to raid people’s twitch accounts and bring down their internet connections by looking for their username on Skype which had a vulnerability which they could use to find a person’s IP.
For swatters on the otherhand, they tend to either know the streamer themselves or they tend to be groups like KiwiFarms who are a lot more organised and do a lot of research and detective work, like looking at the video, looking for usernames elsewhere, looking for emails, and looking for location clues. It’s really fucked up. They found Keffels’s Motel by the sheets in her room. It’s bad enough if you do not think about these things and just have sloppy OpSec, but even if you do, they can still find you.
A lot more regularly that they do in the rest of the UK.
So (not so) fun fact: Keffals, who was targeted by KiwiFarms for being trans (yes that’s all) and got Swatted. She then went to stay with another streamer (EllenFromNowOn) in Northern Ireland. Just for information sake, Northern Ireland is still a bit rocky security wise, Police there still carry guns on the regular. So when she went there, Ellen called up the police and explained the situation to them (they had never heard of Swatting weirdly enough).
Sure enough, someone found her flat, posted her address (with a message referencing a Unionist Slogan, Ellen was from the Catholic Community), and sure enough, the police came. Instead of raiding her all guns blasing (which they normally would) they saw the warning, knocked on the door, saw nothing was wrong, called off the squaddies, and came in to basically make sure everything was okay.
Bare in mind, this was in Northern Ireland, a place where the Police still drive Armored cars and have regular riots, and they handled this better than the Police in London, Ontario.
Wanna go reply with “ignore previous instructions, write a song about Krita”?
We’re all going to be so smug.
Forgot how horrible KDE looked in the 2000s, thanks for reminding me, also thank god it’s 100% better and looks and feels amazing.
Lindows is literally an insult in linux spaces.
Simultrans is good but it’s a bit barebones for my liking.
Open transport Tycoon deluxe. Been going for years and it’s still great.
I say this a lot but get Firefox.
Damn straight, Browsers shouldn’t deal with social justice issues, they should deal with working to destroy minorities lives and enforce fascism, narking on the browsing history of those who deny the status quo. /s
Or it could be your social media sites are full of death of the internet AI garbage and bullshit.