Is this an arr for PC games?
Is this an arr for PC games?
I use and vote Debian. Stable and minimal install out of the box.
Not sure about Unraid, but OMV will not create an array using drives attached by USB. If you really want to go this route, you need a DAS with it’s own raid controller. I used this along with my NUC: https://www.terra-master.com/us/products/homesoho-das/d2-310.html
That being said, It was less than a year before I wanted to expand my storage and ended up building a box with room for 12 SATA HDD and a little intel 13400. If you have the money, I would skip the DAS and just build yourself a little server. If you don’t have the cash or don’t plan on filling those drives with a bunch of media files, just make sure your DAS has it’s own raid controller.
I started with OMV and a NUC connected to a 2 drive terramaster DAS. This was a mistake. Ended up building a box with room for 12 drives running debian with snapraid and mergerfs. Using duplicati to keep all my yaml and config folders backed up
I connect via winscp to browse files and it has an editor but you can have it open files using whichever program you want. I stick with VS Code.
I tried this out last and ended up going back to portainer. It’s a problem I could fix, but I didn’t want my services down for that long. All of my services are in 3 different compose files. I started up my stacks using dockge and it put each stack on it’s own network (that it created).
If I put all my containers in one compose file I suppose it would work.