It’s more like bash did it one way and everyone who came after decided that was terrible and should be done a different way (for good reason).
Looking right at you -eq and your weird ass syntax
if [[ $x -eq $y ]]
It’s more like bash did it one way and everyone who came after decided that was terrible and should be done a different way (for good reason).
Looking right at you -eq and your weird ass syntax
if [[ $x -eq $y ]]
Literally IBM a decade ago. AI->Quantum
Elven time conversion is the worst.
What I’m hearing is that we should mine the sun and make better use of all that fuel.
To moon landing, maybe. To fusion, no.
OP is talking about identity theft, not physically losing your card.
Plot twist: The crop is human misery.
Perfect dark comedy. I bet the corporate propaganda guy is a broken ex-clown, too sad to cry, and only his laughter soothes him.
“Do leetcode hard on screen share for 12 hours over three months, and then we’ll let you know if there’s any openings anyone here actually wants to hire you for…then the teams will interview you. Oh and if we don’t find a fit within a year of the phone screen you start all over lol”
Google, meta, etc. Fuck them all.
Bonus: If you score really high on the pointless quizzes, then you might get a chance at a remote job, which puts you first on the chopping block for layoffs every quarter!
Extra bonus: There’s an office near you, but we’re only hiring somewhere else right now that had a shitload of layoffs recently due to shitty management that didn’t get fired, so you’ll have to uproot your entire life and place your future in our hands for the privilege.
I have a very old 4K Toshiba TV with a built in “smart browser” that, due to me never plugging into the Internet, has a home page with news about how well Obama’s doing in the polls for being a relatively unknown junior senator.
If you want to roll your own, I’ve had good luck with ASRock Rack motherboards.
^^end ^^racism
I tried to upvote you three times while reading your comment. The missing piece was the rise of “anti-woke” voices inside the company itself. Lots of crackpots with inflated egos started getting really vocal over the lockdowns when they didn’t have anyone staring them down in person for being fucking morons.
I regularly visit the Texas coast, and I don’t think I’ve ever said the “of Mexico” part out loud in a conversation ever. (Everyone just says “The Gulf”. But now I absolutely will. Especially when I’m calling around for quotes on a deep sea charter.
It’s so much worse than cockroaches.
I’m going to laugh when he dies of self inflicted dick infection.
Feel bad for the poor bastards stuck there on visas. Feel less bad about anyone looking around that can’t quit but can’t find another job. Would you hire someone who’s still working at Twitter? I probably wouldn’t even pull that resume for an interview.
He’s laundering money through it most likely
Don’t let the gatekeepers keep you out. This site helps.