one would hope so
one would hope so
I use torrenttols and BEP-47 is supported. Give it a try.
I couldn’t understand exactly what the problem is… and the writing style is infuriating. State your problem, then explain what you want!
Oh no, for sure! I did it with Debian in '98-99.
OK… So, just to test, edit your crontab and run a basic command:
*/1 * * * * date >> ~/date.log
this will append the current date/time once a minute (*/1
) to a file in your home dir. You can check if it works with cat ~/date.log
If that works, then try again with your command. I see you used the full path to it, that’s a good thing. Also, what does that command do if you run it manually?
To run the command at 10 PM every day, you should have it like this:
0 22 * * * /usr/bin/sct 2750
You mean running systemd timers? Yes, they are great, but for a beginner I think understanding crontabs is still better.
Also, who said crontabs are deprecated? Do you have a source for that?
Use crontab. As Mint is based on Ubuntu, check out the documentation here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto
@[email protected] the cross-post link is something different. :-D
Fuck oracle. They can do whatever you think it’s good about anything, but their licensing for commercial entities is horrendous and predatory.
So, once again, fuck oracle.
I’m happier than ever that I moved to a different distro. I was a Fedora user since they started and was happy to use it for a few years at the job. But seeing what’s happening with the whole red hat shit it makes me sad for the people who gave a lot of their time and passion for this.
It’s getting harder and harder for the Fedora devs to show they are independent of red hat…
Why would people consider that?
I’d say it’s easier to get into OPS, then move on to RED, then get invites from their forums.
I don’t know if you joke or not, but thinking finnish = communist is too far away from any truth. I lived and still live in an ex-communist country and let me tell you: nothing Linus says or does is communist in any way. Socialist? Maybe! But that’s a different discussion.
I have an LG TV and was OK with it, but then I read this news recently: https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/14/23794747/lg-tv-smart-home-appliances-ads-subscriptions-webos .
Looks like nothing/nobody escapes capitalism.