i like to sample music and make worse music out of that.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I feel bad for this dude, but not for the reasons he wants me to.

    Nearing 40 and being pretty staunchly no-kids, I always got along great with all of the devs and admins I work with who have kids and we find plenty to talk about. I always thought what I do for a living is pretty cool, but I certainly never expected that to be my ticket to getting laid or being praised as some big-brain special boy. This dude felt one-dimensional because he is one-dimensional. Maybe he just never really spent the time developing his personality and maybe its time to do that now. It’s one thing to love what you do, its another entirely to make your job your identity - you gotta bring more to the table in social situations than shop talk and Squid Game.

    As for complaining about a routine… I mean, that’s unfortunately how being an adult works for 90% of us. We have jobs, we often end up kind of worn out even if we sit at a desk all day, and it can suck - you make the best of it and break the monotony as best you can. If he wanted to be in the remaining 10%, he probably should’ve put in the effort. Those folks he mentions at Y Combinator, or starting nonprofits probably busted their asses to break through. Even content creators who put out quality content often are often run ragged from overworking. Did this dude think staying in NY and taking a 9-5 there would have magically given him extra energy?

    Fuck outta here with this garbage, Business Insider.

  • […] but subscriptions for software-based new car features will continue, according to a BMW board member.

    I wonder what they’re going to try to nickel and dime people over next. I mean, if they’re offering internet service/access or other things that are an ongoing service, fine. That’s mostly fair… but if they’re charging you to flip a bit in the car’s internal database (or even worse, a central database somewhere that keeps your car’s data) but the feature is installed in your car and costs BMW nothing to enable it, then ewwwwwww

    Took a deeper look at the article…

    […] BMW says it will continue to offer subscription-based services but only for software options, like driver assistance and digital assistant services, which is completely understandable.

    Hahahahahaha no. For the most part, absolutely no.

  • I don’t know if you’re chiding me or not, but in case you are: I quite literally put myself in their shoes in the post you’re responding to.

    And for the record, without going into the horrifying details, I lived a very similar situation at a really nice hotel on a work trip. I had the luck of being alone and able to clean it up on my own without anyone noticing but for that 45 minutes where I frantically ran to a 7/11 to buy paper towels and hand sanitizer as a stand-in for proper cleaning product and then frantically cleaned it up like MacGuyver was just handed a single thread and a thimble to diffuse a bomb, I dreaded more than anything that someone would see before I had a chance to take care of it.

    I agree that it would be cruel to treat that person any differently because they had an unavoidable accident that caused all this, but people suck. And even if everyone was super understanding, I’d still be absolutely mortified as the person who did it.

  • Genuinely curious why you think Apple Music is better. When I got my first iPad in years last year, I decided to try to go “all-in” on Apple services partly to consolidate and partly to save some money. After about 14-21 days, the only service left standing was Apple News+ (and only because the only other option was NewsReader which is 3x the price and I just generally didn’t love the UI and the way it worked overall).

    Apple Music seemed to have slightly less of the music I searched for (I don’t have specifics, it was a year ago) and also seemed to be slower/shittier overall than Spotify. It was just generally unpleasant to use - this, coming from a guy who has plenty of gripes with Spotify’s user experience.

    I’m all for ditching Spotify (I have all kinds of issues with their general business practices and how they stiff artists, among other things), but like @[email protected] mentioned elsewhere in these comments: “every bit of competition is even more incompetent and greedy than they are.” I’m not going to say Apple is more greedy in this case, but they felt less competent.

  • I’m not so sure we’d convict the clown - but I also wouldn’t argue that the wealthy and famous don’t have their own lane when it comes to legal matters. Even if we didn’t convict the clown, Baldwin’s own road to vindication and absolution would be much, much easier.

    And for the record: I don’t care about him in the slightest. If he got life in prison over this, all I’d care about is whether it was a just verdict and sentence.

  • Is there a clown armorer in the clown troupe who was supposed to diligently do his job and check that the swords are fake?

    I’m not against making the clowns take a class about pressing their thumbs to the blade or trying to slice a piece of paper in half (checking that the bullets in the gun are crimped and, therefore, blank), but if the clown industry’s SOP is to always have a clown armorer on staff and one of the clown armorer’s main jobs is to make sure that all the swords are plastic, then who’s to blame here? Who even stored a real metal sword with the fake plastic clown swords? This is a massive failure in clown procedure.

  • I wasn’t aiming at crafting the perfect analogy. I wanted to capture the absurdity and fucking asininity of the responders comment.

    The point is that it’s not up to either the bridge’s users (the actors in the film) to “take a safety course” - it’s up to the bridge designers/builders (the film set’s armorer if we’re talking about direct blame or the executive film staff if were talking about corner cutting or poor funding) to make sure the bridge (the prop gun) is safe to use.

    If Baldwin is culpable for corner cutting as an executive staff member (and for example, hiring a shitty armorer to save on costs), so be it. I don’t give a shit about him. But being mad at someone for not checking a gun when the responsibility lies on a hired expert and this is just how Hollywood operates and in a century of filmmaking there have been a handful of freak accidents?

  • I’m one of the unwashed, ignorant music production hobbyists who can’t play a lick of anything on an actual instrument, and certainly can’t read sheet music (I figured out tablature a long time ago when I was trying to teach myself guitar and have forgotten since). I can noodle around on a 25-key MIDI keyboard well enough - like I have a good handle on the patterns for different keys and scales on the keyboard, but I can’t actually play. I’d take you up on the invite, otherwise.

  • The endless scrolling communities are the easiest to move. They’re low hanging fruit. One of the other replies to you here nailed it… without a massive community of millions, the future of Lemmy rests on the more modestly sized community here willing to actually come out of their lurk and not just respond to posts, but to start posts on their own and actually drive the content.

    I feel the same way about music production-related communities here. I just don’t have much to ask and I suck pretty badly at it so I don’t feel like I’m good enough to drive content/discussions lol