Obviously there are workarounds, but I suppose it provides a good justification for parents to deny their kids access to social media.
Obviously there are workarounds, but I suppose it provides a good justification for parents to deny their kids access to social media.
There’s a much easier way.
Copy the text from the docker-compose section, and paste it into a file called compose.yaml
You can also add your other programs which rely on each other (Sonarr/Radar/qBitttorrent) in this same compose.yaml file (you can find them on this website).
When copying the other programs, omit the lines:
After that, in your terminal, navigate to where the compose.yaml file is, and run this command
docker compose up -d
Now your suite of applications are installed and can talk to each other.
You’ll need to change some of the details of the compose file (to set timezones and media directories).
You can restart programs with
docker restart jellfin
LinuxServer.io are basically your one-stop shop for home-server applications
Are you using the LSIO docker image, or did you install it manually via the official website instructions?
That’s why I always:
*cd .cache
*rm -r *
Anyone else get the urge to pull the hat down?
COX: Drug traffickers love gizmos. They love gadgets. And if they have something like, ooh, the app is hidden behind a calculator, they think that’s amazing, and they want to buy it.
TIL drug traffickers have the mindset of a teenage boy looking for ways to hide porn.
deleted by creator
PSA. Send stuff to your local post office and then go pick it up.
At least they have precident now.
You know, from a business standpoint, it makes financial sense NOT to log user traffic.
Reason one: plausible deniability. You can’t give what you don’t have.
Reason two: storage. Why the fuck would you keep logs, when it costs money to?
Reason three: these boots taste fantastic! (People generally don’t enjoy licking boots).
I’m no George Bush fan, but in his defence:
Point 1: the implication is the US are thinking about how the enemy will harm them
Point 2: he is convinced the purpose of war is to establish peace
Point 3: he probably meant "to catapult over the propaganda
Point 4: ya dun fukt up
Point 5: ya dun fukt up 2 George Bush Junioroo
Point 6: (yes, i know it’s hypocritical) he’s right tho lol
Point 7: heh heh
Would like an easy way to remember.
Oh no, you’re going to make me be that guy lol.
Ricing comes from “rice cooker”, meaning a Japanese car. The term is so far removed from any racial implications now, that some people say RICE means “Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancements”, though it’s just an excuse where one need not exist.
I regularly see people brigade for others to stop saying it, even though the word now exists on its own. People treat it like it’s comparable to something like the Washington “Redskins”, it isn’t.
Uh oh, you said the forbidden word. Won’t be long until everyone in this thread is “informed”.
What you’re referring to as GNUI, is in fact GNUI/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNUI plus Linux.
Ted talks have sucked for at least 8 years