Don’t worry, should it ever happen, there’s plenty of wannabe Napoleons who would be willing to step in to take over once theyre gone :)
Don’t worry, should it ever happen, there’s plenty of wannabe Napoleons who would be willing to step in to take over once theyre gone :)
The problem is, if they’re afraid they have the resources to do something about it. That much wealth can buy a lot of private armies. It also buys a lot of lobbyists.
It takes more thought and planning then reacting with emotion against them. That feeds their goals just fine.
“Don’t hate the companies, hate the people who lobbied for copyright laws… the companies!”
Perhaps that’s the level of chocolate? Like you can have 90% dark chocolate, this is 40%.
I prefer Stardew Valley
Everything is 99% grey area. If someone tells you something is completely black and white you should be suspicious of their motives.
But you didn’t say you had proof with your comment, you said it was probable. Basically saying its common sense that its proven.
Why are you getting aggressive about actually having to provide proof about something when saying its obvious?
Also, that seems to imply that locking up people for AI offenses would then encourage truly reprehensible behavior by linking them with those who already engage in it.
Almost like lumping people together as one big group, instead of having levels of grey area, means people are more likely to just go all in instead of sticking to something more morally defensible.
So… its just a claim they’re making and you’re hoping it has actual backing.
Is everything completely black and white for you?
The system isn’t perfect, especially where we prioritize punishing people over rehabilitation. Would you rather punish everyone equally, emphasizing that if people are going to risk the legal implications (which, based on legal systems the world over, people are going to do) they might as well just go for the real thing anyways?
You don’t have to accept it as morally acceptable, but you don’t have to treat them as completely equivalent either.
There’s gradations of questionable activity. Especially when there’s no real victims involved. Treating everything exactly the same is, frankly speaking, insane. Its like having one punishment for all illegal behavior. Murder someone? Death penalty. Rob them? Straight to the electric chair. Jaywalking? Better believe you’re getting the needle.
As opposed to private Healthcare where they’re guaranteed to screw you over.
Poorly organized socialized healthcare, sure.
There’d be alternatives if people didn’t give up before ever looking for them.
The players make the game. It’s not a one or the other thing.
Its so smart it gets something else to do all the work for it.
So… in reading the article, it seems he suggest the government is using religion to manipulate people into forgetting about all the aliens they’re hiding.
So, not so much with the sanity.
A company is more than its most visible members. There were likely plenty of competent people in the hierarchy that were there before Musk and were able to continue that trend of competency until Musk decided he needed to control more and more of the intricacies of the company.
The difference isnt what he was doing before to make things run smoothly so much as what he wasn’t… that being getting in the way. He was a glorified PR guy. Which he was great at. Running a tech and manufacturing company? Not so much.
He didn’t, he bought in to a company that was already set on doing it.
They literally made an either or declaration of their own…
It takes emotion to make rash decisions based on reactionary feelings.
If you only do things because it feels right instead of what you’ve thought through and understood as a rational course if action… you’re doing the same thing as those who storm capital buildings cause an orange man told them to.