I think we have a slight difference in terms: Biden is not and will never be a leftist. Same with the majority of the Democratic party.
Sure, he’s a liberal but liberalism is not a leftist ideology— it’s the scaffolding for capitalism.
This is not to say that there is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans (there is a huge difference), but Maher punches left with the same enthusiasm with which he punches right.
He’s not on the same level as someone like Hannity or Carlson, but he’s always arguing to sell out vulnerable groups— something that the Democrats do constantly without electoral gains to show for it.
I know OP used the word liberal, but I disagree with that characterization: he is a liberal, a “small c” conservative. I was going for brevity, but maybe I should have clarified there.
He knows exactly what he’s doing and precisely who he’s courting.
The world would be a better place if he’d get one of his own brain chips installed.