14 hours now and nothing but flame wars going. You got anything else.
14 hours now and nothing but flame wars going. You got anything else.
Lmao typical Linux forum responses. Criticisms for no error message in main post but when given the message everyone goes silent.
They’re not going to learn until they’re charged and convicted of homicide.
You’ll never be able to get a definition that covers your question. The world isn’t black and white. It’s gray and because of that a line has to be drawn and yes it would always be considered be arbitrary for some. But a line must be drawn none the less.
Alternatives such as? I see people say his but none of the so-called alternatives have anywhere near the functionality or availability.
They said the same shit about writing, books, radio, and tv.
Not that America doesn’t have its own problem. But what do the suicide prevention nets looks like at your office. Because they’re everywhere in china because of shitty working conditions. This is how they do shit so cheap.
Everyone who’s been paying attention knew this was coming.
Just remember the loophole.
I guarantee hes going to try for a third term and is going t expect all those pardoned to support him in it. Nothing from trump is free and he knows if he survives this the prosecutions will start again. He can’t not be President or everything he has all fall apart.
Your teachers always gave you back assignments face down didn’t they.
This is a huge piece of context missing from the OP.
The fat guy from Texas got raped and cut to bits by the unit he was assigned to. I wouldn’t count on this guy surviving much longer either.
Sry no sympathies. You vacation in a religiously oppressive hell hole this is what you get. Stay the fuck out of Dubai.
You wanna know how he’ll be worse. You’re going to prison for this post. And you’ll ‘never have to vote again’ for any choice ever. He’s straight up fucking said it. This level of stupidity is un-fucking-fathomable.
The other candidate will put you in prison for that wrong think and send EVEN MORE aid.
Or straight up fucking kill you: https://feddit.uk/post/18652620
You’re either connected or disconnected. There is no in between. All you can do is toggle between them and hope no one is paying attention.
No I’m not. Google up police cracking criminal crypto wallets. These kinds of responses are exactly why this question got asked.
Do you need links to police cracking people crypto wallets. That’s about as secure as you’re going to get now and it’s still not enough. So what else have you got.
Do they not fucking remember the whole Goya thing last time. He literally shot a commercial from the presidents desk.