How the UX of librewolf is different from the UX of Firefox?
How the UX of librewolf is different from the UX of Firefox?
Your Fedora vs. OpenSUSE comparison is amusing to me, as I’ve had exactly the opposite experience. Fedora 40 DNF was hella slow for me, fedora broke regularly, etc.
Fedora 41 has DNF5 now, pretty fast.
TIL Animal Crossing has a fucking NES emulador inside the game that can run any ROM. Why?
The new KDE 6.3.0 info center have this as a feature or I understand it wrong? Couldn’t test it yet.
Bluetooth - Another nightmare. Bluetooth is terrible on Linux.
Shitty dongles is shittier in Linux, that’s true. Never ever had a problem with Bluetooth on laptops.
None of my controllers work with Steam, no matter how many countless hours I’ve spent troubleshooting.
They work with games outside of Steam? If true is a Steam problem, not a Linux one. “But it works with Steam on Windows”, well Valve can fuck up and introduce a bug on the Linux version.
Blue checkmarks…
“Anticipating tedious whataboutery: the difference between this and free-world social media apps is that you can enforce your data rights in rule of law countries. This is not the case in China,” said de Pulford.
This one doesn’t checkouts Pulford.
They still have to compete with all the other TV manufacturers.
The only big manufacturer that I can remember that I never saw making smart TVs is Fujitsu and I don’t even know if they are still making TVs
TV is cheaper now, if you compare it to when the technology for plasma TV, ultra HD and so on first started, production got a lot better and cheaper. What I’m asking is: is the TV part of the “smart TV” cheap and they’re making us pay more for it by adding the smart part, or is the logic that they’re giving a discount because they can make the extra money with the data.
Because it could start with paying the extra cost with the data, but now it’s the norm and they can charge more for it and still make more money selling data.
I can see the logic, but is actually cheaper or the “dumb TV” is just overpriced? They still need to add a processor and shitty computer parts to the TV to have the smart thingy
TV Classic but they will collect data like the modern ones
They are still paying for the “”“smart”“” part that they don’t want
Adding artificial unintelligence to a “”““smart””“” device is a move that I expected from a corpo shit
It has issues with light, when it hits at certain angles the whole map becomes white AF and things from a distant draw poorly, like mountains and such
Sadly the repacks like fitgirl is a hit or miss
I think is more of like the fear of the unknown than the uncertainty, for example is uncertain if a new switch game will run well(looking at you pokémon)
Ok they are probably making a ton of money with that too, in my bubble these games are so unpopular, barely saw people playing or talking about the TCG or the MOBA one, the Yu-gi-oh one is so more popular here that is not even a competition.
Mobile games yes, but the nintendo’s games? They are that popular? At least in my country I don’t see much of them here.
I also hate when I being targeted by incompetence, worst type of attack, there’s nothing you can do about it.