Same here. XNG isn’t pronouncable in english, so it will always be Seer X N G for me
Same here. XNG isn’t pronouncable in english, so it will always be Seer X N G for me
Bedrock is on all platforms, pc included. Java is PC only.
The sarcasm seems pretty clear to me lol
Not even just pricey, but unpurchasable in many cases. Broadcom is really fucking it up
Interesting, I havent heard of this one before! Its more of a single device type app rather than a selfhosted server like sonarr, but it looks interesting none the less
Unfortunately not, that is only for western comics and doesn’t work with manga. It is very close though!
Auto type is so handy. I used KeePass previously, but recently switched to using these commands to type out my clipboard after pressing a custom hotkey: sh -c 'sleep 0.5; xdotool type "$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)"'
It is so damn handy, especially when you have to deal with VNC and iDRAC so often
A manga chapter/volume manager similar to sonarr/radarr/readarr that can download with or similar to fmd2/hdoujin downloader/mihon
Me too! Me too!
You know I keep hearing people say they mostly use the small screen on their fold, but since i got mine the small screen has been for notification only, and when I want to actually use my phone the inner screen is just better. So like 99% inner screen for me.
I have always heard bi-weekly be every other week, and semi-weekly be twice a week
I am connected to their US-East server, with a latency often around 70. Not really sure where that datacenter is, but I am in southern Ontario, Canada. We often get put onto servers in New York or around there.
I pay for and use kagi, but it is one of the slowest websites I use, so I am not really sure what this comment is referencing? Is it fast for others?
Downloads havent been removed
Well the cheapest there is $2/month, but yeah for a single core I dont think I would be worth the effort to setup, let alone also pay for
That is already happening in Canada. Those imperialists threatening annexation was finally what brought us Canadians together on something lol
I will admit its a bit complicated to setup (mostly because the documentation could use some work) but it does work great once you have the sync server setup and your plugin configured
There is also the Obsidian Selfhosted Livesync community plugin that will sync with your own sync server. As the name suggests, it syncs live, so you can even see typing from one device appear on another. It’s pretty neat
Or May 5, F055
And how many times the cost of renewables are the required batteries to make it not nearly useless? More than 2x, that’s for sure. Nuclear is the clear choice for base load and renewables for loads above that.