“Look at all this data on your computer taking up space! Let’s store it in the cloud to lighten your load (and, more importantly, use it for marketing, tracking, and LLM training).”
-Invasive AI Agent
“Look at all this data on your computer taking up space! Let’s store it in the cloud to lighten your load (and, more importantly, use it for marketing, tracking, and LLM training).”
-Invasive AI Agent
It’s like China banning Winnie the Pooh for hurting Xi’s feelings…
At least in the case of the Hisense TV I got for my grandparents, a “glitch” with accessibility controls (makes directional inputs unresponsive or multi-press at times) just so happens to make remapping the sponsored remote buttons impossible, as well as breaking the most common method of changing the system launcher, so screen size alone isn’t everything.
Although Hisense still tries to reinstall sponsored apps after I delete them, using Launcher Manager to set a custom launcher that allows for the hiding of unwanted applications and channels made it much more usable for my grandparents.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to redirect YouTube voice input commands to SmartTube Next, so if I ever replace it, that’ll be a factor in my decision too.
Also deceptive for them to list it on the Play Store as having 500,000,000 “downloads”, when the vast majority of those are non-consensual automatic installations.
MKVToolNix Batch Tool should be able to do it automatically, assuming the subtitle format is supported.
It’d be great if California’s consumer privacy protections could be applied at the federal level, but as long as the Republicans retain the presidency, either house of congress, or the Supreme Court, it would either never get passed or simply get struck down and returned to the state regulatory level.
Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series and New Funky Mode
Stremio comes with a few addons for content navigation by default, but to actually watch most things within Stremio itself, the unofficial Torrentio addon is needed. There’s other content addons too, but Torrentio seems to work the best.
Torrentio itself needs a debrid service API key to function, with Real-Debrid being the cheapest at about $3 a month.
Also have to make sure that the public WiFi network one’s device is connected to doesn’t block VPN connections, as was the case at at least one Walmart I tried using the WiFi at.
Legislation like that might happen in places like the EU, but in the US at least, unless lobbying rules are amended, consumers stand next to no chance against the commercial interests of advertisers.
If you’re the one paying for internet access, you should also have the right to determine the content that you’re paying to have access to. While something like pi hole could be used to metaphorically take down most of the billboards without impacting the ground below it, even everyday users should be informed about the data advertisers are getting from them, whether it is anonymized or not. Hiding an important setting about data sharing near the bottom of a page in settings doesn’t help anyone but the advertisers.
It’s $3 a month and called RealDebrid + Stremio
If a homebrew game is popular enough, such as Micro Mages, you can sometimes find them in romsets. Unfortunately some cartridge-only and less popular ROMs take a while to get uploaded; took me a year to find a specific Genesis ROM that was cartridge-only.
Perhaps more like what fridge companies do via incessant water filter replacement reminders: Enjoying your Super Deluxe CoolPlus™ Fridge? Don’t forget to check out the CoolPlus™ Fridge Magnetic Spice Rack and CoolPlus™ Fridge Juice Dispenser Add-on!
Doesn’t this essentially integrate similar functionality to what one of the Decky plugins had been used for? Great that it’s an official feature now, in any case.
There isn’t a free alternative that works as well, unfortunately. Bing not only has many of the same issues, but has worse results. Since DuckDuckGo makes use of Bing’s API for its results, in addition to lacking features such as date range searches, it is still a step down in terms of the quality of one’s search results. Having switched to Firefox due to Google’s efforts to make unilateral, self-serving changes to Chromium, I’d be only too glad to switch search providers if an alternative provider had a similar number of accurate results.
Isn’t it only source available, and not open source, due to a restriction on reusing the code?
To be fair, some of the mobile ports are improved with controller support added to them. It’s just frustrating that some of them aren’t subsequently ported to PC as well.
A success does not include leaving a victim of failed experimental medicine with a non-functional implant. In contrast to how animal subjects are used as test subjects (often conducted with less oversight than there should be), using experimental medicine on volunteering patients should be done not just to collect better data than the chimps before them supplied, but with the genuine expectation that the product in question will benefit the patient beyond their usefulness as a test subject for continued product development.
One shitty company suing another shitty company; nothing more enjoyable to watch!