He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java
Well, compared to vinyls, they’re a lot more durable. Vinyls degrade by each play a lot more than CDs.
Snopes has been long compromized…
That black Cybertruck almost looks good… as a dystopian Sci-fi prop…
He’s either
GPS privatization in 3…
Likely it’s being done this way to overwhelm anf tire out the activists of all kinds ASAP, then the techbros can build their network states.
Brain drain will eventually lead to a rightward shift, since more educated people tend to lean left.
Basically, KiwiFarms were formed by people who were too much for 8chan, which was formed by people too much for 4chan, which was formed by people too much for Something Awful.
Free speech absolutism was a mistake…
(If you ask: there are now people too much for KiwiFarms, usually those that also want to torture animals rather than going after animal abusers for internet cookie points)
AI summary
I have heard a certain girl that is fit got you covered, but I’m not 100% sure. Might have been something I just imagined.
It was much earlier.
In 2010, a christian fundamentalist on youtube started to overanalyse Lady Gaga MVs, then moved onto other artists and eventually other media. He was pretty much the forerunner of those wokespotters (except not even SJW was a snarl word at that point), and yes eventually he dabbled into racism too, but he was also openly “not antisemitic” (he loved the sinner and hated the sin). When he first posted his videos, people, including me, thought it was a satire of conspiracy theorists. He was dead serious. I remember him nuking his old videos and making more sane sounding ones once gamergate hit mainstream, even backpedalling on his earlier analysises pointing out Freemasonry symbols and David Stars in media.
Hi 👋 I’m Nicole👧! But🍑 you☝️ can call me 😅the Fediverse🌍 Chick🐣 :D
I’m a proud😊 Polish🇮🇩 girl👧 from Toronto🇨🇦 (29 y/o)
I’m currently🕑 taking the pre-health❤️🩹 sciences🔣 program at Toronto🇨🇦 Metropolitan🏙 University👩🎓 hoping☺️ to get into👈 the medical🚑 field🏟 someday📆!
Even worse is, he can use the government to sabotage the competition, as Russia and Hungary did.
I have a feeling that one of Elon’s kids were the inspiration. One told him while watching Blade Runner or something with them “Why does the future not look like the future?”, then he decided to cook, and people around him let him.
“Bröther, please dö nöt becöme anti-cönsümer!”
“I töö yearn för the cöntrölled mönöpöly, thë ensittificätiön, the röt ecönömy!”
“I’m leäving töö müch möney on thë täblë! We also hävë öür men Ëlön Müsk as thë shädöw prësidënt, Trümp ïs jüst hïs, ör räthër - öür püppët. Hë wïll dïsmänlë äll cönsümër prötëctïons, as thëy’re in thë wäy öf öür pröfits.”
“Bröthër… Plëäsë rëcönsïdër!”
“Änd whät ärë yöü gönnä dö if not? Go tö thë cönsümer prötection agencies Ëlön Müsk’s DÖGË jüst dïsmäntlëd? Üse an öld HP LaserJet until yöü cän get repläcemënt rollers för it? You know öther parts öf it cän brëäk töö.”
“Bröther… You became… ËVÏL! You betrayed EVERYTHING you previously stood for!”
“And Ï wïll dö it as mäny tïmes as nëëded. Ëvil? It’s jüst büsïnëss. Mäybë yöü shöüld hävë rëcönsïdërëd yöür vötë för Trümp.”
“Bröther… Büt thë tränsës hävë cäncëlled Pikamëë för thë wïzärd gämë! The wökenëss häve been deströying the gäme ïndüstry! I nëëded tö vötë för Dönäld Trümp! Why isn’t it wörkïng äs ït wäs süppösëd tö!”
“Yöü vötëd ägäïnst yöür cläss interest öut öf püre hatred. I like ït vërÿ müch! Yöü knöw önë rëäsön she wäs älsö cäncelled wäs düë tö lölï? Ï dön’t think Pröjëct 2025 wïll ällöw it för sö löng düë tö tötäl pörn ban!”
“Yöü vöted against yöür class interest, yöür personal interest… hahahahahaHAAHAHAHAHAAAA! Yöür sö fünny! Ÿöü’rë thë përfëct vötër för më! Ÿöü’rë thë përfëct cönsümër ëvën! Töö dümb tö rëälïzë äll thë pöliticäl wörkings aröünd yöürself. Änd when anything göes wröng, yöü bläme the minörities öf this söciety. Nöw get exited för Bröther AI, a sübscriptiön service which is essentiäl för öperating the printer! Get ready för price hikes! Get ready för shörter lasting printers!”
“You’re truly despicable bröther!”
Disney be like: “Friendship ended with rainbow capitalism, now christian capitalism is my best friend.”
The right one is after 10+ hours of debugging.
At least this will somewhat mitigate the unfettered access to this technology.
D: You’re unpopular and a nerd.
He still doesn’t wear a helmet, so…