Sounds like fringe but fascinating rabbit hole, thanks!
Sounds like fringe but fascinating rabbit hole, thanks!
You mean Stain bombed Roswell with dead children? Never heard of that story, do you have any links?
Probably that there’s not many people with access to private trackers
Who cares, nost of them are front ends for ChatGPT anyway
Exactly. Everybody checked what is this about, then stopped gave shit and here we are
Hope they’ll come with workaround. Or I’ll have to get my hands dirty and PR it myself
Neat idea. It would solve cluttered menu issue mentioned above.
Cherry on top would be dynamic material theming on Android, but I’m not sure it is possible with web apps
Acknowledging the fact that everything is better with weed doesn’t mean you’re addicted.
Actually there’s interesting theory how eating magic mushrooms speeded or even shaped development of consciousness in our ancestors.
Another no-names lost in modern world
Same here. Tixati is hard to beat in terms of functionality, plus it has this old-school feeling to it I find very nostalgic
I use aria for regular downloads, but couldn’t get it to work with torrents. It’s very picky what it downloads and what not. Maybe configuration thing, but gave up after few tries. I prefer dedicated solutions
That’s what I can’t wrap my head around. If it’s possible with music and work well for all parties, then why not to do the same with movies. All I read are some bullshit non answers about different laws applied to music and movies. Even if it is so, same companies who lobbied for those laws should now lobby to change them again, problem solved. Instead they wade further in this sunken cost fallacy
For me it’s pretty much dead. Since I’ve got YT music subscription I don’t download music anymore, except some rare, obscure bands from past. Because modern, rare obscure I can support via Bandcamp and the likes. For real gold mine of music checkout soulseek. If it’s not there, you can assume it doesn’t exists
I don’t get argument about duplicates. The same situation was on reddit - you’ve got few, sometimes more, subs about same topic. You could subscribe to whichever you wanted. Why on Lemmy this is suddenly a problem?
Google they mean