It is (or has already?) Going to receive a face-lift. That might help out a little bit honestly.
Sumo Enjoyer - Gunpla Builder/Painter - General Menace
It is (or has already?) Going to receive a face-lift. That might help out a little bit honestly.
Just a step in the direction towards that, though. They’ll pass it, and people will still pirate. Then, they’ll claim the legislation wasn’t enough and pass another bill further encroaching on our freedom on the internet.
I’m going to get the same card when I build my new rig here in the next few months. Solid choice, have fun!
I have 9700k and a 1080. For my rig, the processor seems fine for now but is starting to show its age in some areas but a solid choice still. The 1080 is really showing its age and I’m considering getting a 4000 series soon. I would skip the 2000 series because from the 1000 it isn’t much of a jump. Try looking at the 3000 line and good luck.
As much of a shit head as he is, I can separate the man from the music and jam that shit loud as fuck because good lord it’s a banger.
Great, now do the rest of them.
Good thing I scrubbed all of my posts and comments that I could. Fuck that site, straight up and down.
GIS nerds unite!
But seriously, great way to see the technology used and data distributed. One day I can only hope to grasp a more complete understanding of the software and how to apply it to do shit like this.
“Paid for by the emperor, the games were used to keep the poor and unemployed entertained and occupied. The emperor hoped to distract the poor from their poverty in the hopes that they would not revolt.”
There are very similar undertones when compared to the Colosseum games in Rome.
Well, you are going from AMD to Nvidia, so there is a significant upgrade just in that. When I did my switch, I swore never to go back to AMD Gpu’s. But also going to a much more modern card than an almost 8 year old one would make anyone’s rig feel better. Glad you have a good card now!
1080 gang rise up.
But seriously, my 1080 does fine for most things, and I have a 2k 144hz monitor. It’s JUST starting to show its age as I can’t blast everything on high/ultra anymore and have to turn down the biggest fps guzzling settings.
Elden Ring would be so sick. I’ve never really played a Souls Game and I’ve heard and seen soooo much good stuff about this entry. I’ve recently played through AC6 that was put out by the same developers and the attention to detail as well as the great gameplay itself really made the game a blast to play through. Also, big mech.
Thanks for the giveaway and happy holidays.
The year is 0079…
Duuble deegits jst 4 u bby
Don’t give fuel to this chud who likes to correct simple grammatical errors on random internet posts like its a big deal. Or just keep making errors out of spite, sounds like a lot of fun.
Do what you want cuz a pirate is free.
Look, I’m all for raising the minimum wage, and if it ever comes across the ballot I would always vote yes. But this is such a shit take, of fucking course dress code is easier to deal with than the economics of the whole country. If you’re going to critique the government, make sense at least.
Change your name to something obviously fake. Years back I had my name as something that wasn’t my actual name, they asked me for my ID to verify my identity. Well, I sent them some gross pictures I conjured up from the internet and uploaded those instead of my ID and it didn’t take long for them to just completely deactivate it.
I have the same GPU and settled on a 4070 Ti Super for my next upgrade. Do what you will with that information and happy gaming!