If we were to assume that everyone would just wait until the 15th to do all their amazon orders that they waited a week for then I would agree it’s symbolic.
For many, this will be what happens, but for some, they will find an alternative. Then maybe in the future they chose that alternative too. It’s about gradual progress towards better alternatives. For you, maybe finding ways to make your work less reliant on those things would help. Or if that’s not possible maybe working somewhere else that doesn’t make you sacrifice your values.
As an example, one person choosing to educate themselves on animal welfare might not have much effect today, or tomorrow, or even next week. But after years, even small changes can mean the elimination of suffering for dozens or hundreds of lives.
I don’t think advocating people do nothing while vaguely gesturing at doing more while offering no alternatives or next steps is meaningful action.
Sounds like an excuse to not get started.
I don’t care about Marxist social justice, I’m sorry if ‘underprivileged’ triggered something.
Not analogous in any meaningful way. Unless you want to argue that men are underprivileged in society.
blame them for much
Is it time to bust out the crime statistics?
I’m sorry, I just have so much negative life experience exclusively caused by men. My heart tells me that these are just damaged boys that are too scared to heal but my brain says ‘dont get assaulted again’.
Unhealthy garbage, full of sugar, made off the backs of tortured animals not being peddled to children is a good thing.
We need more fun, kid friendly spaces but I’m grateful there’s one less hook these places have in children’s minds.
I’m the only one who really exists and the world around me is a reflection of my mental state?
What did you (I) do to deserve Donald Trump? Is this a punishment for misandry?
If you think conviction rates are an indicator of how bad the problem is, you’ve got it backwards. I’d recommend using this as a branching off point.
I won’t be continuing conversation further.