Subnautica vibes.
Subnautica vibes.
They are the goat method actors. They actually created a real zombie disease, and gave it to themselves to play the role. RIP.
I don’t get it. What’s the problem?
Eh, I don’t think this is the best solution.
The assumption is as soon as you turn 17 you’re smart enough and have the critical thinking skills to navigate social media without it negatively affecting you? Kinda dumb.
There could be an argument that at least try to block it while young peoples brains are still developing, maybe there’s benefit in that.
Older people than 16 are still duped by propaganda, and become addicted to social media, and all the negative consequences.
What we need is regulation imo. Good, smart, progressive, altruistic regulation that is for the benefit of all. Ain’t gonna happen though, because sOcIaLiSm and “mUh FrEeDoMs”.
Ah that makes sense.
Thanks for the source. Added to my reading list as I’m intrigued just by the short snippet.
This is like art. Like the death metal of AI. I fucking love it.
I fucking love AI.
I for one, welcome our new AI overlords.
Nuke Israel.
I knew someone would post this fast and I was not dissapointed.
Dare I say abortion should be encouraged, for people who clearly shouldn’t be parents?
deleted by creator
Glad mullvad’s not on that list.
It’s too expensive. $500 is already too much for these things.
But capitalism’s gotta capitalism.
Obviously I would love ranked choice. What’s the possibility we would ever get it though? I’d say slim to none.
I agree about the chaotic wildcard bit, but I fear he’s worse than the bad “organized establishment” Republicans of old.
He’s anti establishment, but very much in the wrong direction. Typical conservatives want to exploit the poor and working class to get money and power. But they’re smart enough to think long term and not completely destroy the system, so as to actually keep all the money and power long term.
Trump isn’t like this, I dont think he’s smart enough as many may agree. He is a failure, a failed businessman with many silly and ridiculous failed business ideas. He makes stupid decisions and doesn’t think long term. He wants money and power, but will make stupid decisions to get it, regardless of long term consequences. This is what I see, at least.
This is why the fascism word is spread around, as a realistic fear. Look at our supreme court. He doesn’t care about any of the repercussions of his decisions.
I’m arguing that trump is worse than the horrible Republicans that are now rejecting him, rightly so, as much as I hate them too. Your comment almost seemed to say he’s not as bad, but I could be wrong.
I agree with you in certain aspects. Democrats are certainly not left of center by any means. None. Nor are they centrist. They’ve always been right of center. But sitting next to the far right Republicans makes them appear reasonable. Overton window.
That being said they threw us a bone by pushing biden out, which is inherently progressive (even minimally). The conservative traditional dem way would have been to stick it out with biden. Also, Walz was the most progressive pick of all the VPs. He’s no bernie, but it’s still something. Way better than the alternatives.
And lastly but most importantly, trump. Trump is the worst of the worst of the worst of ruthless exploitative conservative republican capitalism. He’s a cheater, exploiter, and now a convicted felon. He would love to be a fascist dictator IF he had any opportunity. And whether he publicly says so or not, that project 2025 horror is real and what much of his base wants and what his “cabinet” would absolutely push for.
So trump is so bad that even career conservatives are willing to back a dem.
Yes it appears he really is that bad. Lol.
I hope this hurts his fragile ego.
You gotta be kidding me.
They want to make it even dumber than Idiocracy.