I think the damage may already be done to Unity. Devs have been moving to alternatives like Unreal and I doubt this walk back would make them change their minds.
Just a precociously decadent rogue trying to navigate the Fediverse.
I think the damage may already be done to Unity. Devs have been moving to alternatives like Unreal and I doubt this walk back would make them change their minds.
I’m excited to try it out! Now I just have to find a good place for it on my Home Screen.
We talk about this often with the hope the market will crash again so we can buy a house. A house comparable to my parent’s home who paid less than 85k in 1992 would now cost nearly 300k. It’s insane.
It feels as though we are moving back towards cable with all the different services and none of them are really anything to brag about anymore. I canceled my Netflix when they raised the prices and stated they would end password sharing. I then canceled my HBOMax when they started pulling content I liked to watch and I had already previously canceled my Hulu account since they really didn’t have anything worth watching. Now I am down to Amazon, Paramount+ (as it is free with WalMart+), and Crunchyroll and I rather like have less choices as it gives me the push to go do something else besides watch TV.
I assume you are referring to a physical copy of the Sega CD. As long as you still own a Sega CD you can play physical copies of games. Recently PlayStation closed down their online service for PS3 so you cannot access any digital games you may own even if you still have a PS3.
I bounce back and forth between WefWef and Memmy and I think they are both great in their own way.
Or the service is no longer supported. I remember buying some PS3 games digitally but can’t access them on my PS5. Load of BS.
Did you ever listen to The Shadow? They are some phenomenal radio shows from back in the day.
Last time this happened to me it turned out they lost the box. Not saying this is the case for you, but definitely infuriating.
That honestly sounds to be the likely scenario. If someone saw the review they might shrug it off as an error or mistake.
I thought they did a great job after have such a long hiatus between the original Psychonauts.
I reported some of the ones I saw on the App Store but I doubt it will do much good.
Did you mean to post the same comment over and over?
I feel like I must be crazy but these reviews do not read like 5 star reviews. Seems super suspect.
I love some pineapple pizza!