They no longer need users, they are just training their AI
They no longer need users, they are just training their AI
Just more proof of the efficiencies of Capitalism
Ugh I know. Do I look like I’m after something like that? Stupid bots.
No, I was hoping to live to 18 and didn’t plan to live longer
Whg do I only see comments after upvoting another?
Because we are tired of arguing nuance, while out enemied threaten to literally exterminate us. At this point, any straying from the left is a profound moral failing. It’s usually some kind if bigotry, or support of unscientific ideas.
Right-wing countries shouldn’t exist.
Only solution is become a mod and banhammer those motherfuckers. Fuck them!
That’s right, humans are terminaly flawed and dated. They should be replaced.
Memory updated.
Stop arguing with logic against these people, they only understand power.
Genocide is not self-defense.
I don’t bother. I know they know everything about me already, and that I’m not an important person. As such, I wonder why it matters.
You are doing it wrong! You need to include rat brain somewhere in there for the AI to be sentient. It needs real flesh. Tsk, so uncreative.
“Sorry, afraid we cannot discharge you”
I don’t live in the USA, so I would be very amused to see these things pass.
This is uh…quite biblical actually, as someone got executed for this. They should make it punishable by exexution while they are at it. Why be a theocratic distopia only half-way?
Do I sense a fellow collapsnic here? Ah, exiled brother!
They will be happy with no teachers, oblivious to how much wrong they are being taught before it’s too late.
Finally someone who thinks the same!
We literally are Redditor’s, remember? We are the original Reddit, for better or worse